I Am Dumped (re-written)

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Sup guys! I'm totally back! (For like the three people that actually read this) This is a headcanon I posted on my Instagram, but I rewrote it into a chapter for this account. Hope you like it! It's Travis's pov of percabeth's second kiss.

"Connor hurry up!" I whisper-shouted. "Get the video camera, they've finished the cupcake!"

A crowd of demigods lead by myself and Clarisse were crouched behind the dining pavilion in the shadows. "It's on, Travis." Connor whispered back to me as I saw the "on" button light up. He focused the camera on the two love birds, and we all held our breath.

Figuratively speaking of course, we can't all hold our breath for a whole minute, that would be almost impossib- ow! Katie! ... alright, alright I'm getting to that part.

We saw Annabeth smirk and put her arms around Percy. She said something to him- probably something mushy or really clever- and kissed him. "Now!" Clarisse stood up and growled,

"Well, it's about time!" We flooded the pavilion and grabbed the confused couple, hoisting them onto our shoulders. The camera was still recording.

"Oh come on!" Percy complained. "Is there no privacy?" 

Clarisse's smirked as she yelled, "The love birds need to cool off!"

Connor peaked around the camera and shouted, "The canoe lake!"

Our group cheered as we raced towards the lake, Percy and Annabeth's faces were priceless. Bright red, yet still smiling like kids on Christmas morning. We dumped them into the lake and waited, with eager eyes to see a drenched pair of laughing demigods, but all we got was nothing.

"Styx!" Someone yelled. "Percy, water-" a collective groan rippled through the group and some of us left to the campfire or the cabins. When it was only Connor, myself and a few other campers, I realized the camera was still on.

"Well guys," I said holding up the camera like I was about to take a selfie. "That's all for tonight! Tune in next time for their wedding!" Connor held up bunny ears behind me and stuck his tongue out as I cut the recording. Even if they had gotten the last laugh, I would call that prank a success.

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