Chapter Seven

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I got my food and immediately sat down with Brian and Ava.

"She knows." Brian said.



"lower your voice!!! I don't want them thinking I REALLY threatened you." Ava said.

"She threatened to tell my therapist that I wasn't eating like I should be."


"I don't want to be here any more than you do, buddy."

"Wait.. how did she even know there was something to tell?"


Ava then flopped my notebook down on the table.

" did y-"

"I've been in here for a MONTH, dude. I get bored. So whenever a new kid comes in I find a way into their rooms to get their journals. Usually kids will reflect on their first therapy sessions and I can get to know their stories."

"I tried to stop her. But then she asked why. I told her because you kind of trusted us and we shouldn't break that trust. But she can tell when I'm lying."

"Okay, whatever, if no one believes me, they definitely won't believe you guys. They'll just think you're buying into my delusions." 

"Wait," Ava said "we could use this to get out."

"What?!" Brian and I said simultaneously.

"Ava, are you actually insane? They will not let us out if they think we are more crazy." I said.

"He's right."

"Listen, idiots, If we all sound that crazy, then they will have to transport us to a different hospital, one that's more fitted for this kind of crazy."

"Okay, so we'll be taken from Super Weennie Hut Jr. to Weennie Hut General." 

I took a moment to laugh at Brian's SpongeBob reference. Ava looked baffled, as though we missed some very obvious information. 

"Let me explain this a bit more slowly. If they have to transport us, then they will have to drive us, and if they have to drive us, then we can surely find a way to get out of the car without anyone knowing in enough time to catch us."

"Easier said than done." Brian replied. 

"Yeah, what if they take us by ambulance?"

"They wont. I know they won't. I mean I've only ever seen them transport kids to residential, but there's no way they'd get three ambulances down here to transport us. It's easier and cheaper for them to take that old beat up van."

"Okay, even at that, how are we going to get out of the van without them noticing?" I asked

"Well, Jackson, that's the fun part. I know where they keep all the tools for basic repair, and I know how to steal gas from cars. I also know where all the security cameras are in the halls and how to get around them. With luck, I can get most of the gas out of the van. Enough to get us to the nearest gas station. At the gas station, the driver will have to turn off the car. At which point we will quietly go out of the door that we left cracked on the opposite side of the gas tank."

"Or pigs could fly, rain could turn to gold, and I could be a mentally stable billionaire." said Brian

"Haha" she said sarcastically "I don't see you two coming up with anything better."

"Wait. Since when are you two coming with me?" I asked

"Since we know you have blue glow-y hands." Ava said.

"Are you trying to blackmail me?"

"It's not blackmail, it  just so happens that if you don't agree to take us, your therapist might find out that you are seeing these wild blue glow-y hands and that your journal is filled with nonsense scribbles." 

"Alright" I sighed "but we need a better plan."

"Well, then you two better start thinking. I want out of here by Friday, and if you guys don't have a better plan, then we're using mine."

"Two days? Really?" I replied.

"Two days." Ava said firmly. 

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