Final Match

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Sarafina's POV

The others were talking to Hagrid when we heard Malfoy insulting him. But Hagrid did not hear. Harry and Ron started towards Malfoy, but Hermione & I bet them to it. We slapped either cheek as Hermione started to speak. "Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic you veil evil little cockroach" she snaps raising her hand again.

Ron grabbed her arm and she snapped at him before leaving with him & Harry. "You're going down in quidditch" I promise him and catch up to the other three. We headed charms Hermione told me she forgot something and left. When we reached class we learnt cheering charms and then went to the common room to find Hermione asleep in front of her books.

I left the boys to talk to her to find Fred and George. They were with Lee and were studying for a change. Makes sense as they have their O. W. L exams coming up. I just took out my D. A. D. A book and began to read it.

(Day of the final Quidditch match)

Hermione has given up Divination like she has been threatening to do for weeks. I was proud of her and helped her with her cheering charms. As she had missed that particular lesson. Easter holidays weren't exactly fun as we were given tons of homework. I helped Hermione as much as I could when the four of us (Harry, Hermione, Ron and I) study for Buckbeak's appeal.

Now Oliver was informing us of our game plan for this final match. He was really annoying us as he kept repeating himself. "You can only catch the snitch if we are more then fifty points ahead" he reminds Harry. "Otherwise we win the match, but lose the cup" he states.

"I know Oliver!" Harry snaps.

"Relax Oliver Harry has never lost us a match and the Hufflepuff game doesn't count as dementors appeared" I remind him. "Harry just do your best" I say smiling. "Angelina can you call the plays?" I ask and she nods her head. "Fred, George one of you be near Oliver when the quaffle enters the score zone. Oliver just focus on the goals you have trained us for this" I tell the three boys.

"Thanks Sarafina, now it's time lets go" Oliver states and we follow him out onto the pitch. I notice three quarters of the crowd were in red and gold while the other quarter were in sliver and green. I was happy that Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were supporting us. Lee introduces us and then the Slytherin team as they walk out onto the pitch.

Oliver and Flint shook hands before mounted our brooms kicking off the ground. As the game starts I take possession of the Quaffle. But as I headed towards the goal posts I was intercepted by a Slytherin chaser who stole the Quaffle. I shot after him as George shots a bludger his way. It hit its mark and Angelina caught the Quaffle as the Slytherin chaser dropped it. She scored the first ten points of the match.

As she cheered Flint rammed into her and said he didn't see her. So Fred chucks his bat at the back of Flint's head. Causing both teams to receive a penalty shot. I took the one for Gryffindor scoring another ten points. While Oliver blocked the Quaffle that Flint threw before passing it to Katie.

But as she headed towards the goal post another Slytherin chaser swerved in front of her grabbing her head. She managed to stay on her broom, but dropped the quaffle. However, Madame Hooch awarded us an other penalty shot which Katie took scoring another ten points. Then both the Slytherin beaters collided in made air as Harry dodged them. I was pulled back into the game when Slytherin scored a goal.

I cursed under my breath and quickly took possession of the Quaffle. One of the Slytherin beaters hit me in the head with their club saying I was a Bludger. I mean have you ever seen a red bludger? I think not. George elbowed the guy in the face out of retaliation. I took the penalty for Gryffindor and Oliver blocked the Slytherin penalty shot. Katie then scored another score making the score 50-10 to Gryffindor.

Suddenly both Slytherin beaters sent both bludgers at Oliver completely winding him. Gryffindor was awarded an other penalty which I took scoring another goal. Katie then scored another goal making us 60 points ahead of Slytherin. When Harry chased after the snitch Malfoy hanged on to the end of his broom. This time Angelina took the penalty scoring another goal. Slytherin took possession and scored another goal making it 70-20 to Gryffindor.

Angelina scored an other goal making it 80-20 to Gryffindor. Just then both Harry and Malfoy spotted the snitch a few feet above the ground. I stopped to watch their progress from the side of the field. Malfoy was in the lead, but Harry has a Firebolt. Harry knocked Malfoy's arm out of the way grabbing the snitch.

Oliver reached Harry first crying into his neck. Fred and George thumped Harry on the back. As I reached them with the other two chasers as we all hugged Harry chanting 'we won the cup!' We reached the ground to be swarmed by our fellow Gryffindors. We were hoisted onto their shoulders as we were taken towards the stands to receive the Quidditch Cup.

Hagrid was saying how he couldn't wait to tell Buckbeak. While Professor McGonagall was crying harder then Oliver wiping her eyes with a Gryffindor flag. I see Percy jumping up and down all dignity gone. I sent him a smile as Dumbledore gave Oliver the Quidditch Cup, which he raised into the air. Our fellow Gryffindors then carried us back into and through the castle to Gryffindor Tower. Where we had the biggest party ever.


Picture above of Gryffindor winning the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup.

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