Chapter 1

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Giselle's POV

My two brothers Mikey, who's my twin, and Gerard, who's the eldest are in a band they call My Chemical Romance. I decided to bring my boyfriend Adam with me since he wanted to come.

"So your brothers are in this band right?" He asks.

"Yes I explained this. Why?"

"I'm just making sure." He says and I nod before we get to where Gerard had told me to go.

"Look who it is." Mikey greeted us.

"Hey Mikey." I smile before he hugs me, I see the look on Gerard's face, he doesn't like Adam and never has.

He was leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

I pull back from Mikey and walk to my older brother.

"What's your issue?" I say lowly.

"Why is he here?" He spoke in a lower tone.

"Because he's my boyfriend and wanted to oh I don't know be supportive?"

"He's bad for you-"

"How is he bad for me? I love him."

"Love is only a feeling." He growls turning back into the practice space.

"I haven't seen you in what, a year? And this is how you say hello?"

He shrugged lighting a cigarette.

"Mikey! Come on!" He called, with the stick between his teeth, to Mikey who quickly grabbed his bass, "Ray you got that guitar tuned?"

I roll my eyes before going back to Adam.

"I'm sorry about him babe. I don't know why he's like this."

"It's fine." He kisses my cheek, "After this you wanna go take a hit somewhere?"

"Yeah I could use one. Where to today?"

"Up to you." He smiles, I could feel Gerard watching us.

"Come on." I grab his hand ignoring Gerard's gaze. They had just started playing this one song. It was actually really good.

We stayed for a few songs before leaving because I really needed another hit.

"You got it?" Adam asks.

"Mhm." I nod before taking out a bag from my pocket.

"Good." He laughs.

"Would you like to go first?" I smile.

"No you first."

I knew the cocaine could kill me, but I didn't care. I was addicted and Adam got me hooked.

I open the bag before soon taking the first hit of it.

He looks at me smiling, "That's a good girl."

"Your turn babe." I roll my eyes.

"Gladly." He says before taking a hit.

The two days after I stopped by another practice, this time without Adam. I was also somewhat stoned.

"Hey you coming in?" Mikey asks when he sees me, "Gerard isn't here yet but you can come in."

"Yep I'm coming in. Maybe he'll be happier now that Adam isn't with me."

"Look Giselle I think he's bad news too." Mikey says quietly.

"What's the big deal?'

"He seems like a bad guy-"

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