Chapter 1:

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I sat up as Brian rolled off from on top of me.

"That. Was. Amazing." he said between each breath.

"Guessing tomorrow night's a definite then?" he nodded at me as I rolled over, placing one of my hands on his chest and drawing lines with my finger across his abs.

He turned his head and kissed my forehead as I felt his cold arm wrap around my waist.

"I love you Brian." I said, gently laying my head on his chest and closing my eyes.

His panting had slowed down as he moved his arm up to my bare back, kissing my shoulder and drawing circles with his fingers.

"I love you too." he whispered into my ear as he bit my ear lobe.

Suddenly, I started to feel drowsy from the alcohol we drunk earlier and fell asleep, still on top of his chest.


She looked beautiful as she slept, her eyes shut and her lips pressed together, slowly breathing through her nose.

'Better not wake her.' I thought to myself. She really did look like an angel.

Her body was warm from recent events earlier, and was making a warm spot where she lay. Her body reaked of perfume as I remembered watching her put it on in the bathroom earlier.

I decided the sooner I get to sleep, the faster I can see her beautiful smile again.

I shut my eyes and fell asleep.



Waking up the next morning, I noticed that Brian wasn't were I left him... in bed with me. I flung the sheet away and stood up. I was still naked.

"Lets hope all the curtains are closed." I mumbled to myself as I smirked. I could here water running, so I guessed he was either in the kitchen or the bathroom. Going to the kitchen first, I saw that there was no one there, just a note on the table.

'Feel free to join me anytime!' was written on a little white square, obviously from Brian.


I guessed she had read the note as I heard her pretty much sprint to the bathroom. I adjusted the temperature of the shower water as it might have been too hot for her.

I watched in amusement as April flung open the door, slamming it behind her, and walked into the shower as I stood with my hands on my hips.

"Excuse me. Do I know you?" I joked around, acting all serious. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms around the backs of her thighs, pulling her up above me waist where she wrapped her legs around me.

"Tonight looks like its been re-scheduled." she giggled. I tilted my head.

"Why?" I started to panic.

"My brother wants to have tea with us tonight." she said as her mouth placed on my neck, sucking it as I felt her tongue move around on it.

"Stupid Jimmy!" I laughed as her mouth moved up my neck and onto my cheek where she planted kisses before sliding her lips onto mine.

I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She quickly agreed and opened her mouth wider, letting my tongue slide in. We fought for a while about who would dominate and, of course I won.

During kisses, I let my tongue explore every inch of her mouth. The insides of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth and of course, we spent most of the time with our tongues wrapped together.

I watched as she pulled a plastic square from off the soap rack and ripped it open, sliding her hands down and wrapping it around my man-hood.

"So, what's the occasion for your brother needing to come for tea?" I asked between each kiss, slowly releasing my mouth from her so she could speak and placing it in between her boobs where I planted kisses.

"His girlfriend cheated on him so he wants some time with friends." she said as she started to pant as I inserted myself inside.

"Oh! The bitch!" I yelled as I started thrusting faster.

I smirked as April bent her head back and pushed her chest out, moaning each time as I thrusted into her.


Finally, we both reached our climax as he took himself out and put me down. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

We both walked out of the bathroom as I noticed the time on the clock.

4:00 pm.

"What time did I get in the shower?" I asked him, snuggling into him as he kissed my forehead.

"Ten, why?" he said, oblivious to the current time.

"Your so paying for my next water bill!" I giggled and watched as he glanced over at the clock.

"Jesus!" he groaned. "It's not our longest though." he said as he walked over to the dresser, me slapping his butt in the process. I followed him over, picking up my bra and panties off the floor from last night and flinging them in the washing basket.

I walked over to my drawer and pulled out a new matching set of underwear, slid the undies on, and got Brian to do up the hooks in my bra. I turned around as he finished clipping it together and kissed him.

I loved him so much, and frankly, sex wasn't going to show him that!

"Brian..." I started but was soon cut short thanks to the doorbell.

"Quick!" he whispered. "Get dressed!" I quickly rummaged through my cupboard and pulled out the only clean shirt I could find. My Avenged Sevenfold shirt. Brian face palmed as he watched me put it on.

"Not a word!" I threatened as I started sliding some jeans on before running out to the front door, the person waiting was impatiently pushing the doorbell.

"YES I'M COMING!" I yelled as I opened the door.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Brian yelled from the bedroom.

'Ass!' I thought to myself. He loves it when I do that though!

"Jimmy?!" I yelled as I noticed my brother standing at the door, a bottle in his hand and his eyes bloodshot red. "Get inside." I said sympathetically. I forced the bottle off him as he death stared me but let go.

"Where's Brian?" he asked as he sat down on the couch.

"I'm right here mate!" he said cheerfully as he 'bro-hugged' Jimmy. I knew it was a genuine hug.

"I shall get started on tea then. Jimmy, what do you want?"

"Steak thanks." he said, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat. "Bathroom?"

"Here. I'll show you." Brian said as they both stood up and walked down the corridor.

'Steak?! I don't have steak!' I was thinking as I looked through the meat we had left in the fridge.

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