Chapter 6:

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We all made our way out to the car. I was so nervous to see Jimmy again. April opened the passenger side door and got in as Brian was driving, so I was guessing Jimmy was in the back.


I opened the door and quickly sat down to find a hand on my knee.

"You look beautiful." Jimmy said. I turned to face him, noticing what he was wearing.

He had on a suit. Wow. I couldn't help back quickly move my fingers up to Jimmy's afro. I loved how soft it was. I found a piece and started wrapping it around my finger.

"Thank you. You scrub up pretty nicely yourself!" I finally managed to say before his lips pressed against my cheek, planting a kiss.

"You look stunning to Apey!" Jimmy yelled to April. She turned her head around the front seat.

"Thanks Jim-Jam!" his face turned bright red.

"Jim-Jam?" I laughed. He playfully punched me in the arm.

"Hay!" Brian yelled at us. "Could you two be any louder?" at this point, we where all laughing.


"So..." I started. "What's so special that your wasting money on food I could have cooked myself?"

"You'll see." he replied stubbornly. I slid my hand on his knee.

"You know I love you....." I stopped as he turned his head to look at me. "Right?"

"It's just... Never mind." He was starting to sound worried.

"I'm not going to leave you Brian. I'm not shallow. We can beat this together." I squeezed his knee gently before letting go and placing it on my own.

"And that's why I love you!" he chirped.


There was silence from the front seats for the rest of the drive but finally we made it to the restaurant.

We all got out and made our way to the entrance. Jimmy and Emily were hand-in-hand. I'm guessing Brian noticed as he slid his hand into mine and interlocked our fingers.

"Reservation for two separate tables." Brian said to the man at the door. He had a large book sitting up against a stand, full of people's names I was assuming.

"Names." he said in a way that made him sound bored.

"Haner and Sullivan." Brian replied in a more cheerful tone. The man nodded and pulled open a red velvet curtain, revealing the entrance to the restaurant.


We all walked in as Brian placed at $100 bill on the stand.

"Have a good one." He stated.

We made our way to some empty tables as the other guys waved at Brian and Jimmy.

We sat down at our table as I picked up the menu.

"What drink are you wanting?" he asked.

"Champaign I guess." I said, realising it was pretty much the only drink on the menu.

Brian stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get drinks." I nodded. He walked over to the counter where a waiter walked up to him. I watched as Brian handed him something, but I couldn't quite see. He came back and sat down.

"Where are the drinks?" I asked.

"The waiter will bring them." he said.

"What did you give him?" I questioned.

"Money." he replied quickly.


A short man with brown hair and glasses walked up to our table with two glasses on a black tray.

"I will be your personal waiter for tonight!" he said as Brian and I smiled at him. He placed the glasses on the table.

"Ew! There's something in my glass!" I whispered angrily to Brian as the man left.

"What is it?" He asked, acting like he had no clue. I put the glass up near my eye and noticed a ring.

"Brian. Oh my God!" I yelled.

"Will you marry me?" he said as he stood out of his chair and kneeled in front of me.

The boys on the other tables all looked over at us as I paused, trying to hold back tears.

I sat there staring at Brian straight-faced, heavily breathing, until I worked up enough courage to finally give my answer.

"Yes!" I yelled excitedly. A smile spread across my face as he pulled the ring out of the drink and dried it with a napkin. He slid it on my finger as I pulled him into a hug.

"A million times yes." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me and smiled before he pulled me in and kissed me on the lips. The whole restaurant roared with cheers and Brian sat back at the table.

"Mrs. April Haner. Now that's got a ring to it!" I said as I admired the diamond.

"Lets order food and get out of here!" he laughed. I nodded.


Jimmy and I were having a great time, except for that he kept ordering us beers. I had downed at least 3 now and he was on his 4th.

"Oh shit." I said, half drunk. "I left my bag in the car."

"I'll get it." he said as he stood up.

"I'll come with you." he nodded and we both stood up. Brian and April both looked over at us.

"We'll be back. I left my bag in the car." April nodded.

"Okay." she replied.

We walked out of the restaurant and to the car.

Suddenly, I slipped and landed in a puddle.

"Hahaha!" I started to laugh. I looked up to find Jimmy staring at me.

"Shit are you okay?" he was worried.

"Fine. Help me up!" I giggled. He put his hands in front of me as I grabbed them, he pulled me up, making me stand in front of him.

I couldn't help myself. I kissed him, him kissing back.

Suddenly, I pulled away.

"Jimmy. I'm p....." he cut me off. He grabbed my hand and we walked quickly over to an empty alleyway, where he pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me.

"Jimmy." I said, as I moved my mouth in time with his.

"Mmm?" he moaned. "What?"

I pulled my mouth away as I wrapped my legs around Jimmy's waist, my back still on the cold bricks.

"I'm pregnant." everything stopped. He put me down. I watched as he ran his fingers through his hair and sat down.

"I'm so sorry Jimmy." I said trying to hold back tears.

He stood up and walked back inside. I started to cry. He hates me. I fell to the floor.

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