Chapter 4:

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"Truth or dare?" I asked Emily. We always played this game when we were travelling into town. It takes a long time to get there as we live in the country-side.

"Dare!" she yelled.

"Flash your tits to that old man." I said, slowing the car and pointing to a man just outside an old farm house. I tooted the horn as he looked over.

"Hay baby!" she yelled as she quickly pulled her shirt up. His mouth dropped in awe. "You like what you see?" she said, acting all seductive. He nodded his head up and down, mouth still opened. "Call me!" she yelled as I pushed the accelerator and we sped off.

"Wow! So is that how you got my brother? Flash your tits and you get everyone!" she giggled.

"Right..." she cleared her throat. " Truth or dare?" she asked as she looked out the window.

"Truth." I said, changing gear.

"Not like you to pick truth!" she yelled.

"Well I'm not in the mood to flash my junk at everyone again." we both laughed.

"Fine. Explain what it feels like to have sex with Brian." she paused. "IN DETAIL!"

"Um. Really?" I asked.

"YES! I wanna know! Your my best friend and you never tell me about what your guys are like. You always used to in high-school." She put on a fake pout as I gently slapped her face.

"Okay okay! It's like...." I paused as I thought about every little touch. "You get so anxious when we asks you that you almost run to the bedroom. When he takes your clothes off and lays you on the bed your heart nearly stops. He hates underwear, so they're gone pretty quickly. Then it hits you. His penetration. It's like a knife stabbing you. The pain soon turning into pleasure as he moves faster." I paused again.

"KEEP GOING!" she yelled at me.

"Sometimes, when he lets me on top, my heart falls out of my chest. When he pulls new moves, secretly, I wish it would never end." At this point, Emily was smiling like an idiot.

"So why do you use protection anyway?" she asked as the smile faded from her face.

"I know that I can't have Brian's baby and how stupid it sounds to wear protection, but, you know, the baby forms inside but I just keep on having miscarriages." I said, feeling good that I can actually talk about this with someone.

"Really? Does it hurt?" she asked, placing her hands over her mouth.

I nodded. "Only when you have the miscarriage. That's why I use protection. It's quite a lot of pain rushing through your stomach and you feel like complete shit. Nothing can stop the pain from what I tried.

But you should have seen Brian. He was so ready to be a father. That night he woke up around 2am and went to the bathroom. He was crying Emily. I felt like I had ruined everything between us. I left him this note saying that there's no point me being here, I'll just hurt him more and that I was going to my parents place for a few days. He caught me just as I was about to get in the car and that's when he told me that he doesn't care that I can't have children, he was just upset."

"You guys are the perfect couple." we finally made it to town. Everyone around town knew us as goths because of who we're dating so we like to keep our reputation true.

I watched as Emily pulled out her phone and plugged it into the speakers, of course, shuffling Avenged Sevenfold.

"Are we picking up Gena and Lacey?" she yelled over the music.

I shook my head. "I'd rather not."


Gena and I haven't been all that nice to each other since the day she finally got put in a Playboy magazine. She acted as if it was the greatest thing to have your body shown to everyone. She had told us all that we should audition for a spot in the magazine as 'The Girls of A7x'. The guys, of course, were so into the idea except for Matt. He hated Gena and the way she exposed herself. He also respects women, so he didn't want Val or Emily doing it.

That was the day I lost all respect for Zacky.


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