Chapter 10:

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Shopping was finished and we were at home, sitting on the couch, watching a movie.

Suddenly I yawned.

"Tired?" Brian asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I nodded.

"A little, yer." I replied as I leant over and kissed him.

"Wanna ditch the movie and head for bed?" he sounded tired.

"If that's what you're wanting the sure." I said as I stood up, holding out my hand. Brian grabbed it as I pulled him up, him grabbing his cart and wheeling it behind him to the bedroom.


"What new undies did you buy earlier today?" I asked as I watched her undress herself. She had helped me remove my shirt over my tubes and I had slipped on some boxer-shorts.

"Um." she said as she stepped further back into the bathroom, out of my sight. "This!" she said as she walked out with a French Maid's outfit on. "You like?" my mouth was open and I was shocked. I'd never seen her looking so good. I managed to nod my head before she walked slowly up to where I was sitting in the bed.

She placed one leg over each sides of my body before sitting in my lap. Her lips hit mine roughly as my hands grabbed her butt.

I slid down and found myself lying on my back, my fiancé still crouched over top of me, my hands still squeezing her butt, her lips still roughly kissing me.

"What you did with that little girl earlier.." she started as she was cut off by my tongue. "Deserves a treat." she finished and my hands moved up to her back where they started unhooking the corset, letting it fall to the floor.


We were finished.

It had been a little trick to make love as we were covered in my tubes, but April found a way.

I lay there with my hand on April's back thinking about what could be going through her mind right now. I looked down at her.

She had been tracing the tattoos on my arms before she had fallen asleep on my stomach, her hand on my chest. I moved my hand to grab hers, making her flinch a bit.

"Sorry. I'll get off." she said, thinking she was hurting me.

"Hay!" I said as I placed my hand on her bare shoulder.

"Brian. I'm tired." She said stubbornly. "Why did you wake me?"

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

"Brian." She sat up, me copying. "I don't mean to sound like a bitch. I haven't been sleeping well as I've been stressing over you!"

"Why would you stress over me? I'll be fine." I said as I watched her step out of bed.

"Where are you going." I said stubbornly.

"For some air." she said as she walked out the front door.


I sat on the front door step and pulled my packet of cigarettes from my pocket.

"You're a murderer." I said to the cigarette as I placed it in my mouth and pulled the lighter from inside the half empty box and lighting it.

I watched as a lanky figure sat down beside me.

"Should you be puffing that?" he said until he noticed my wet eyes. "Oh fuck! April I'm so sorry for bringing pain into our relationship." I blew the smoke from my lungs before turning my head to look at my fiancé.

"I'm excited for the wedding!" I said excitedly, but still felt bad for changing the subject.

I quickly smothered the half puffed cigarette on the concrete step before throwing it on the neighbours lawn.

"They hate us anyway." I stated. We both went inside and sat back in bed were I snuggled back into Brian's chest. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't be the perfect wife." I finally managed to get back on topic again.

Brian smelt amazing but the smell was making me drowsy. "are we going to adopt?" I asked even though I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"I don't know? Would you be wanting someone else's child?" he asked. He knew I wanted my own.

"No. But it beats not being able to have one." I said sternly. "You smell so amazing! Did you buy new aftershave while we were out?" I managed to say as I placed my nose under his chin.

"Why yes!" he said with his deep, manly, sexy voice. He turned his head to look at me, us now face-to-face in bed.

I started to fall asleep again.

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