Chapter 9: Dark Presence

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"Ravenclaw really had a temper on Athena. One step closer and Athena would've been dead for good," I told Indigo.

Her and I are walking to the doctor's office where I meet my arch nemesis...


"Okay, enough of that. Why are you acting so weird since we've walked together, love?" She asked.

I narrow my eyes and look down, refusing to answer.

"It's the doctor's, isn't it?" She asks.

"No! It is not!" I reply.

We enter a room with a female human doctor with a needle, ready to inject it.
I react with a short bursted scream and jumping onto Indigo's arms immediately.

"Is it the doctor now?" She taunts.

She sets me down on the bed as the doctor gets ready. I whine and look away.

"It's not even that bad," Indigo says, walking into my vision.

The doctor raises up my sleeves and wipes my arm with a wet cloth.

"It's going to be fast just like that," she says, snapping her finger.

Finally, the doctor injects the needle. I whine and groan as it's in me. Once it was out, I exhale and frown a little. She then applied a band aid where the injection was at.

"See? Not that hard," Indigo assures.

I cross my arms in frustration. "I hate shots so much..." I groan.

"Well, it's done. You'll be fine," she said.

We walk out of the doctor's office and head towards our rooms. I lie down on my bed as she sits next to me. Just as I clear my mind, I then remember that Eris needed one more thing from us. She needed Indigo, Felix, and Carolina to kill Omnigul. Then she needs me and Violet to go back to Crota's Soul to confirm the death of his summoning.

+ + +

Hours later, Indigo's team went out into the Jovian Complex for the search. Around the same time, Violet and I landed on the Moon and entered the temple. We casually walked down and talked like last time.

"It's about time you told me that you were so special," I said to her.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"That you're a wicked Witch silly," I answer.

She smiles and laughs softly. "I'm not wicked. At least not that wicked."

I stare at her as she pulls her hair back. "Your magic said otherwise."

She sighs happily and shakes her head. "Salem relies on me. They were already at their worst before I got there. I then casted a curse of those who sought destruction in Salem." She then looks down.

There was an awkward silence so I changed the subject. "So... can you turn into like a cat or something?" I ask.

"What? No. I'm not like that," she replies with a confused look.

"Aww. You sure?" I ask again.

"I'm not those type of Witches. My kind of Witches are those who wield Light differently. We manipulate and bend the laws of the Subclasses we are limited to. We are not Voidwalker. Rather, we are Nova Runners. We are not Sunsinger. Rather, we are Pyrowhisperers. We bend the Light to our advantage."

"So you can turn any Subclass into anything based off from that?" I ask.

We open our Ghosts for light as we come closer to the shattered crystal.

"Potentially, yes," she answers.

"Is there anything else you can do that we can't?" I ask.

"Well..." She ponders, thinking of something.
She puts her hand out and summons a broom.
"I have this," she said.

I look at it and squeal a little. "It's so cool!" I said.

"Quiet! There could still be more Hive here!" She whispers.

When we finally approach the crystal, Nolan transmats a photo of the crystal to Eris.

"Okay, by the time we get back, Indigo's team should be done with Omnigul. And then we can go home and be done," she said.

Right when I should've been relieved to hear that, something is casted in the air.
A stench. Not just any stench, a smell that seeks my Light. I look around focused.

"What's wrong?" Violet asks.

I didn't answer. I look at the exit, then up top. Something is out to get me, and it's not Hive. It smells like the Hive, but it has a different frequency of smell.

"You weren't entirely right, but you weren't entirely wrong," I told her.

"About what?" She asks.

An evil, deep laugh echoed out from the exit. I look over to the exit and see a man. A man emitting the smell. So strong that you could see the green toxic surrounding him. He wielded scythes and wore Warlock clothing, and wore a dark mask that hid his face, but only revealed his eyes which were also green. He were Hive themed.
He draws a hand cannon at me.

"That someone was here!" I exclaim, dodging out of the way. I dodged just in time, right as he shot. I stabilize my position and stare at him. He stares back, lowering his gun.

"Who is- no, what is that?" Nolan asked.

"I dunno, but whatever it is, it doesn't like us," I said. "Who are you!?" I asked the man.

He growls. "Death is coming for you," he replied in a growly, deep voice. His body turns into a green smoke. The smoke flies into 3 trails but as a group and heads straight towards me. I didn't move or react because of how overwhelming this is. The smoke reforms his body in front of me and side kicks me. A blow like that knocked me down. I grunt softly and stand up.

Violet attacks by using her Energy Drain from behind. He blocks and takes her wrist. He hits her in the nose with her shoulder, spun around, and kicked her back. I activate my Golden Gun and fired a shot at his chest. He flinches but doesn't seem damaged. He turns his head slowly to me and stares with a growl.
I use Golden Gun and Arc Blade at the same time and lunge at him. A fired a shot at him as he walks slowly to me and dodges it.
I swung my Arc Blade furiously at him. And then this happened. Upon attacking him, he does something that catches my eye. It happened so fast that I wasn't really able to see it.

He had stopped and destroyed my Arc Blade... slapped the Golden Gun right out of my hand....
And pulled out his hand cannon, which looked familiar, at my heart and fired.

He stares at me as I lose my balance and my vision. The only thing I heard was him saying, this is my curse, then hearing a scream that could only be from Violet. I collapse to the ground with a hazy vision of Violet. The only thing I saw from her was her in pain. The man was physically bitting down into the side of Violet's neck. He then released and told her, "You will want power... the power overcome those you envy," as Violet was on her knees in pain, putting her hand over where she got bit. The man had disappeared into green mist and left. Then my vision went black and passed out after.

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