I came back in my room and I seen kody putting something back and I asked "what was that"I asked"I was looking for a pen or pencil" he said,I looked beside my leg and seen a pencil and said"ummm u have a pencil right here"I said,"oh..I forgot" he said,"sooo we need to get ready for tomorrow" he said,my eyes widen cause I forgot that it was tomorrow,"it's tomorrow"I said,"yeah you forgot"he said,he grabbed his guitar and started to play adore and sing it and my heart was saying liana sing with him but my brain was telling me to tell him....I couldn't do None of them so I just sat their and listened to his charming voice,when he finished he looked at me and smiled....God his smile kills me,he gave me the guitar I looked at it and looked at him I would play adore but I'm really shy and scared of showing my talent to him plus if I played for him he'll probably dis me and say you have a terrible voice even tho my family say I sing like Ariana grande,I gave him back his guitar"what's wrong why you giving it back to me"he said,"i don't know if I can do This kody I mean what if everyone dis me"I said,"believe in your self don't ever give up ur talent or dream"he said,kody always gives me the best advice..
"You guys why are we here"I said,they both looked at me like seriously,"were here cause your singing in the talent show tonight"Nessa said,"you guys"I said,"your going to show kody who u really are"Chloe said,"I'm not singing"I said,they both said,"YES U ARE"they both said,"I wanna deal"I said ," what kind of deal"Nessa said,"that if I do this we have to go to star bucks for a year everyday"I said "A YEAR"Nessa Chloe said,"yep"I said,"fine deal"they both said.....
after that I went home and changed into this gorgeous red glitter dress with red heels and my hair in a soft high bun and put my make up on and I looked in the mirror and for the first time i felt pretty...I left my house got into the car with Nessa and Chloe and drove to the talent show.......

He's only my best friend
Roman pour AdolescentsKody and liana has been best friend since the 8 grade see what happens!