Miami here we come 🙏😍

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I'm packing the rest of my stuff for miami and I'm just thinking how fun this is going to be ,"mommy"Ayliana says,as I start walking to Aylianas room I pick her up,"mommy were are we going again"Ayliana asks,"well we are going to Miami to see grandpa and grandma and ur auntie and uncle and ur cousins"I said,"is it going to be fun"Ayliana asks,I put my hand on her cheek,"its to be SOO much fun"i say as I kiss her forhead,"NOW LETS go pick up daddy and than we can go"I say,I grab the rest of our things and we go to the studio to pick up Kody,AT THE STUDIO,Ayliana runs in,"hey daddy"Ayliana says,as gets on her tippy toes to open the door,"hey my little cupcake"kody says as he picks her up and kisses her cheek a million times and Ayliana giggles,"well hi to u too"I say,kody grabbed me and kissed me,"I love u"Kody says,"I love u too"Liana says,"alright it's time to go"kody says as we left and went to the airport we had to wait 1 hour so we grabbed a snack and some water."daddy can I watch paw patrol"Ayliana asked,"yeah baby"kody says as he gave her his phone,"hey"someone said,I turned around and it was my best friend from Texas Nessa,"Nessa OMG"I said,"long time no see"Nessa said,"ikr"I said, we hugged than her face went blank,"kody"she says,"wassup Nessa"kody said,she pointed to me than Kody than me than Kody than,"I see y'all"she said as she saw Ayliana from the corner of her eye,"No way....y'all have a baby"Nessa said,"hi"Nessa said,"u gon say hi Ayliana"kody said,Ayliana is shy so she just waved a little than we got called and we went on the plane ✈️ Ayliana was scared and started crying so kody hugged her the whole time...

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