We all went to starbucks than...."oh no"Laura said,"whats wrong"i said,"I think I forgot my
phone up in the room"Laura said,"I'll be right back"laura said,she went outside and bumped into someone and her coffee spilled all over her favorite shirt "hey seriously this is my fav shirt"Laura said,"sorry I'm sooo sorry" this person said,they looked up at each other.."hi"Laura said,"hi"this person said,"I'm sorry I got your coffee all over your shirt"he said,"your fine...just fine"Laura said,"I'm kody"he said,"Laura"Laura said,"you wanna go see raising dolphins tonight"kody said,"sure"Laura said,"who are you here with"kody said,"I'm here with my cousins you"Laura said,"my 2 male friends
"kody said,"so I'll see you tonight"kody said,"for sure"Laura said,than they left she came back and she was smiling so big "you guys -you guys"Laura said,"what is it now Laura"I said,"I met the finest guy in the world",Laura said,"what's his name Laura"I said,"kody sooo gorgeous"Laura said, when she said kody my face went from happy to confused.."kody who"I said,"he didn't tell me his last name"she said,we finally left Starbucks I was confused was kody on the cruise with me,"hey you okay Liana"zuri said,"y-yeah I'm fine"I said...
"Are you enjoying this"kody said,"yes one of my best days ever"Laura said,"so what do you do for a living"kody said,"I'm a fashion designer"Laura said,"you",Laura said,"I'm a singer songwriter my new singles out called work the middle"kody said,"Seriously my cousin is a singer songwriter and her singles out called be alright"Laura said,"that's cool what's her name"kody said,"I have an idea how about tomorrow you meet my cousins"Laura said," don't you think it's a little too soon"kody said,"that doesn't matter"Laura said,"ummm ok"kody said...
When Laura was finished with her date with Kody she came up staries and told us about what she was doing tomorrow I started to get nervous I though she was going too fast with this so called "relationship" I desided I wanted to wear some shorts and a crop top.....

He's only my best friend
Teen FictionKody and liana has been best friend since the 8 grade see what happens!