When me and Nessa and Chloe were outside they were saying how good I was I was really but than I heard my name "LIANA"someone said,I looked to my right to see my mom with her window down telling me to get in I kept telling her that I was talking but she kept saying get in the car so finally I got in my car mad....
We drove of and went home and didn't get to say goodbye to my friends mostly kody.....we finally arrive home I didn't talk to my mom the whole way cause I was so mad,I got out and slammed the car door and took my heels off and almost went up stairs until my mom called me I rolled my eyes and looked at her,"can we talk Liana"my mom said,"about what"I said,"well this might hurt you and your friends but we're moving to Miami" my mom said,"WHAT"I said,"I'm sorry Liana"my mom said,"when are we leaving mom"I said,"on Sunday" my mom said,"but why...why!!"I said,"your farther got a job the reason I brought you home is cause you need to pack everything and movers will be here on Sunday"my mom said,I throw my heels down in anger trying to hold back my tears and ran up stares and slammed my door we leaved in Texas and Sunday is in 2 days how was I going to explain to kody about this even Nessa and Chloe....
It was 11:30 I was finally finished packing and i called Nessa and Chloe and explained to them what my mom told me they were shocked I wonder when I tell kody this will he not care will he be sad......

He's only my best friend
JugendliteraturKody and liana has been best friend since the 8 grade see what happens!