Me and my cousins are getting out the car and we start walking to the ship we see sooo many people in line I knew this was going to take a hour or two so we waited....waited.....waited...until finally we see the security guard and they scan us down we got these bracelets that said paradise loyal life we had to wear them the whole cruise me and my cousins though that was Crazy but whatever as soon as we walked in gosh it was heaven sooo gorgeous,"what should we do first cuz"Laura said,"I was thinking ice cream first than later we could...go swimming"I said,"Liana sometimes your plans are the worst but ..that sounds amazing"zuri said,"but first before we do anything we need to find our room"Laura said,we all run up staries and we find our room it was sooo pretty when we walked in I flooped on the bed,"I call this bed"I said,"whatever Liana nobody even wanted that bed"Laura said,"whatever you knew you wanted"I said,After
That we left and went to get ice cream we sat down and talked about what we are going to do on the cruise,"hopefully we find a man"Laura said,"you're always looking for a man"zuri said,"oh speaking of dating what happened to Greg zuri"I said,"were still happily together nothing can come between us two"zuri said,we went swimming after it was sooo much fun...😜

He's only my best friend
Teen FictionKody and liana has been best friend since the 8 grade see what happens!