At the fashion store
"Cuz what kind of clothes are you wearing for you and Kody video"Laura asked,"well Kody producer said to wear a shirt with the sleeves opened"I said,"why don't you just wear whatever you want"Zuri said,"well I don't want to not go by the rules"I said,"girl you know if you wear something different Alex will love it"Zuri said,"I guess your right cuz"I said,when we were finished I went home,"hey babe"Kody said,as he hugged me,"hey cutie...instead of wearing the clothes for the music video I wore something else plz don't be mad at me"I said,"Really Liana....your supposed to wear what john(producer)said to wear"Kody said,"I'm sorry Kody ...."I said,"I'm kidding babe you know I love anything you were I don't care what anybody say"kody said,as he hugged me and kissed my forehead,"you play to much"I said as I play punched him,"so what's the song called"I asked,"it's called work the middle"Kody said,"really"I said,with a big smile on my face,"yes"Kody said,"I think imma like it"I said,as I sat on the couch...,"when will we do a song together"I asked,kody sat on the couch beside me and hugged me,"soon babe soon........
He's only my best friend
Teen FictionKody and liana has been best friend since the 8 grade see what happens!