Two: Galaxy Girl

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I stare at the drawing scribbled in the back of his  book. I wasn't really supposed to be on any other pages in his notebook than the ones for Galaxy Girl. I couldn't tell if he drew it or someone else did. I also didn't really know who the people in the drawing were. For some reason a tiny part of me wished it was me in the picture, but I don't know why. I stare at the drawing some more and then decide something very stupid. I draw another picture next to it. A face. Just my representation of the man in the picture. I could tell the original drawing was done without lifting pen from paper so I did the same. Hopefully Lento doesn't notice when I return his notebook to him later at practice. I stare at the drawings some more. My phone beeps telling me I have a  text.

"Hey S. J got sick. R can't make it. Mday's are hard for him bc of his folks. U still want practice tonite? DC if u don't want 2. ~Lento" the text reads.

I stare at my drawing again and think. Lento probably wants his notebook back. Although, if I give it back I can't analyze this drawing better. I think a little longer and make my decision. 


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"Hey S. I didn't think you'd want to come and practice with me," Lento says when I walk into the studio. I open up my case and give him his note book.

"I really liked the song but I feel like there could be a more suitable name for it like, Voodoo Doll or something. It's really good though," I tell him.

"I love your criticism, you always put it down real," he tells me and he strums his guitar a bit. Today he was holding his acoustic one. I love the sound and feel of the acoustic guitar. I feel my lips forming a smile as he sings a funny little song about my criticism. 

"So what's the agenda for today, Lento?" I ask him. He brushes his hand through his hair and takes a breath.

"Well I was thinking we could try out the song I wrote, but I don't know. Nobody is here, so it might sound weird. I mean, we could try it and see how it sounds," he tells me. he looks at me and waits for my response.

"Um, that sounds ok. It's not that hard to play without the others."

"Sounds cool," he says and he strums his guitar some more. I take my bass out of the case. My stomach turns a little at the question I'm about to ask him.

"So, uh, what's the inspiration for this song?" I ask, wincing a bit when I do it.

"I think was a dream. All I can remember is this like alien girl coming to Earth and like abducting me. She like made me her boyfriend and I couldn't get away. It was weird," he pauses, "why did you think voodoo doll could be a better fit for the song?" he says flipping to it in his book.

"Well the part that says tell me where you're hiding you galaxy girl could be changed to tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll. It might actually sound a bit better," I tell him. Lento thinks and looks over his music.

"Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll, cause I can't control myself," he sings. He looks at the music more closely. He takes a pencil and erases somethings then writes on the paper. "I do like that a lot better actually," he tells me.

I can't remember the next hour because I was too focused on his smile. I guess the song sounds good. I can't really tell you.

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