Chapter 1

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"Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart

She needs a wild heart

I got a wild heart "

Maybe a fresh start will sound good today? I think to myself as I lie in my comfy bed with my messy bed hair spread out over my tear stained pillow and my face resembling your worst nightmare. I continue listening to the endless supply of music and shut my eyes tight trying not to remember yesterday. To no avail, the terrible memories rush back all at once and it replays in my mind as I try to fall back asleep.


"Hello?" I groggily mumble into the phone as I roll over and try to find a new comfy spot on my precious bed. "Is that how I taught you to greet your mother?!" A voice replied. "Oh, hey mom, I didn't check the caller ID and blindly picked up the phone." I hurriedly explained before sitting up and rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.

"Okay. Anyways, have you thought about coming home for the weekend? I mean, you haven't been home in ages and I haven't seen you in person in forever, and you don't call or text or anything. Do you remember Martin's son? Well, he shows up every two weeks to visit his parents. Humph. I don't see why you can't do the same."

"Geez mom, keep on guilt tripping me will ya? I'll come home this weekend, okay?" I hear a squeal on the other line.

"Yay! My baby is coming home! Did you hear that Howard?! Alex has finally agreed to come home!" I listen to my mom burst into tiny fits of happiness before deciding that it was time to hang up and go to school.

"Bye mom, see you tomorrow and tell dad I love him too."

I hop out of bed and run to the bathroom to quickly shower and dress. Normally, I wouldn't care about what I wear, I mean its college. It's basically long classes with long lectures and lots of doodles and notes to prevent from falling asleep during class.

However, since today is my boyfriend Jake and I's 1 year anniversary, I decide to at least try and look decent. After getting ready I rush to the kitchen to make a quick smoothie and pack my bags before rushing out the door.

However, not before noticing my roommate's shoes weren't there like they normally would be at this time.

I make it to class in 10 minutes which is probably a new record, and find a seat that's not too close to the whiteboard, but not too far away either. Row three's 3rd seat should do perfectly fine. I sit through the whole class without falling asleep and head on to my last class of the day. Cooking. It's not like I can't cook or anything, I mean I'm alive, aren't I? I'm just pretty close to needing a fire extinguisher once in a while. As I take my seat next to my best friend Morgan the teacher Mr. Frank calls roll.

After Morgan and I say "here" we continue talking about our life and how awesome tonight will be for me because of the surprise date Jake is keeping hidden from me.

"Okay class, today we will be making chocolate cake. The ingredients are already in the pantry and the timer is set for 1 hour and 30 minutes. The requirements are listed on the board. Don't forget any ingredients or points will be deducted. Time starts now, have fun!"

I quickly run to the pantry so I don't get stuck behind the large crowd of people wanting supplies and grab the flour, eggs, sugar, chocolate and other needed supplies before rushing back to my station. Since my partner Paxton didn't show up today I'm supposed to work on my own.

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