Chapter 6

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Alex POV

"Ugh, I can't believe you made me watch that movie." Dave complained to me while we were leaving to movie theatres. We had just finished watching Everything everything and he was complaining about me choosing a romance movie to watch.

"You secretly enjoyed it!" I teased as we searched for his car since both of us are crap at remembering where we park.

"Yeah yeah. I only agreed because you seemed over the moon to watch it."

"That's because I was! The book is AMAZING, but I literally have no time to go out and watch it. Plus, watching movies at the movie theatre on your own isn't fun at all."

"That must be why you torture me with these movies every time I come," he says pretending to sound wise and in thought.

I shake my head at him knowing that he secretly doesn't mind and continue to search for his black Lexus.

"Why do we always forget where we park?" I ask genuinely confused as to why our memories suck when we hang out together.

"Oh I don't know," he says while glaring at me. "Maybe because you always get out of the car really fast and drag me along like a rag doll only allowing me to lock the doors a couple feet away when I have to tell you to stop."

"Oh yeah," I sorta have that problem with him, but that's only because he's a sloth! He takes his time and blah blah blah and boom, we are late, so I rush him... aren't I helping?"

"Found it!" He cries and drags me along to the car. See how the roles are reversed at the end?

"Hurrah!" I yell, happy to have found his car.

"So, where to now?" He asks me.

"You do have GPS on you right now right?" I ask already knowing what I want to do.

"Yep, oh no, are we going to play that game?" He asks with a slight crease in his eyebrow.

"Yep!! I can't wait to see where we end up today! Blindfold please."

Basically, the game goes like this. He blindfolds me and starts to drive. For 20 minutes or until I shout stop he will drive as I tell him to. Whenever we get to an intersection or an area capable of taking right/left turns, he'll ask me what way to go. (Front, left, or right.) He can't say no and will drive as to how I tell him too. If 20 minutes pass before I shout stop, he'll stop in the closest parking lot or street and that'll be where we explore until it's time to go back home. (Which is why the GPS is so needed.)

"Ok miss, how many fingers?"


"Nope, it was 5. Left or right?"


15 minutes later

"Stop!" I shout feeling that this should be where we hang out. He pulls into a something and pulls off my blindfold.

"A park!!" I squealed then jumped out, ready to be a kid again.


"I can't believe your luck," Dave groaned after playing at the park for an hour.

You see, I love the park! I especially love playing with the swings. However, Dave isn't the biggest fan of the park and rather go on trails with better scenery.

"Can we leave now?" He asks, ready to find our way back home and to the apartment for his so called nap time. When I asked him why he wanted one he just pointed at me. Clearly blaming me for making him wake up so early.

"Just 10 more minutes, I promise," I say.

"Hurrah," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. (Secretly, deep down I know he loves the park.)

"Last one to the swings has to push the other person!" I yell, quickly dashing to the swings because there was no way I was going to be the one who had to push.

Oh no, he's catching up! Okay Alex, pretend the swings have your tuition money and run as fast as you can to get it.

"No!" I yelled as Dave was catching up to me. Eek! The swing said as I jump on the seat, beating Dave by less than a second.

"I win!" I scream in his face and he reluctantly walks behind me and gives me a big shove.

"AHH! You're going too fast Dave!" I cry out to him as he pushes me higher and faster.

"Haha, that was fun!" I squealed as I jumped off the swing in motion.

"Don't get hurt!" He scolded, sounding like an over protective brother.

"Yes sir!" I salute then race him towards his car.

"Alex, put your address into the GPS, it's time to go home for a beauty sleep princess.

"Aww," I whine, not liking the idea of taking a nap. However, as the car starts its lovely hum, and the pop songs from station 102.1 play, I close my eyes and listen to Dave's humming and accidentally fall asleep.

"Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on"
(Lean on me- Bill Withers)

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