Chapter Two: I Don't Even Know Who You Are Anymore!

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The next Monday still carried the effect of the events that occurred last week. Bayley couldn't have turned heel, it had to be some kind of trick! Someone like her just doesn't change in one night! But all forms of communication has been cut off between her and the WWE Universe. No interviews, no posts on social media, no nothing. She's been a ghost!

Music sounded the arena but it was nothing they've ever heard before. It was an instrumental of Sulfur by Slipknot. Nothing was posted online about a debuting superstar. The crowd gasped to see Bayley. She could only be described as different. Changed. It was nothing you would have ever seen before. The most innocent person one could know went from happy rainbows to eternal death. Her music was dark. Her tights were black and red with the thighs ripped. The words Bayley looked sharp and messy. No longer bubbly. She wore a studded leather jacket. Her ponytail was missing! And there was no Bayley Buddies. No smile. She looked dead and dry as if she had been possessed. The eye shadow was heavy. Her shoulders loose.

Bayley sauntered down to the ring. Everyone got a good look at the image. No hugs were given, no high fives. Izzy watched in disbelief. The sign in her hands read "I still love you Bayley." Bayley took note of the sign. It was the only movement her head had. She snapped to her left looking directly into Izzy's soul. Bayley's eyes were sharp. Her breathing sent shivers down Izzy's spine. As Bayley towered over the child, Izzy hesitated stepping back. All that was heard was a faint please from her lips until Bayley looked at the sign. "I still love you Bayley." Izzy held the sign closer to her heart. Bayley looked at Izzy. Her head tilted as she stared deeper that will for sure cause nightmares. 

"What did I say last week?!" she scolded.

The fans gasped at her aggressiveness to her number one fan.


Izzy was terrified.

"B-B-B-Back to the point!"

The sign was ripped from Izzy's gentle hands and she watched as it was shredded into two pieces. Bayley entered the ring. The crowd was booing louder than anything Roman Reigns received. But Bayley didn't care. Nothing seemed to matter in her mind right now. Not even the sobs of her biggest fan. This is what they deserved. The heroine is now the villain. It must be true. Bayley has truly gone mad! As Bayley was handed a microphone, the crowd went silent.

"You thought I was joking? I was serious when I said it's time for change. No longer am I your bitch!"


"It's time I started thinking for myself and for myself only. Don't take it personally, but every single one of you have played a part in this internal rage. I would post a photo on Instagram and get replies pleading for a follow. Asking to be noticed. Any idea how annoying that is. I don't want your shit on my feed!"


"What's the matter with you?! Never heard a swear word before?! Oh no! Bayley just swore! Big fucking deal!"

The crowd was chaotic. Bayley just f-bombed! She laughed.

"Not only do I blame the losers on social media, but I blame the parents too! 'Oh excuse me Bayley. My daughter is such a fan and I'd like to thank you for being such a great role-model.' Big whoop! Did you have to track me down at the airport?! Give me some damn space! And the last thing I blame, is the children."


Bayley became annoyed.

"If I hear you say 'what' one more time!"


Bayley moved the mic away from her mouth and huffed stepping backwards. She ran her fingers through her hair and returned the microphone to her lips.

"Izzy! Get your ass in this ring right now!"

The crowd was in shock.

"Let's go muffin! You wanna be a WWE Superstar? Let's see what you got!"

Bayley hunched forward gesturing for her to come get some. Izzy's eyes cried as she couldn't believe her demand.

"Don't make me drag your fucking ass in here!"

The crowd booed as they chanted no. Izzy looked around the arena thinking twice before she began to crawl over the barricade. She wasn't actually gonna do it was she? As she got halfway over, she was met with the theme of Sasha Banks. Finally the crowd had some hope in peace being brought to the situation. She came running out stopping Izzy from making a mistake.

"Izzy stop!"

She froze to hear The Boss. Sasha ran up close and placed her back into the seat before hugging her.

"Bayley?! What is wrong with you?!"

"What is wrong with me?! What is wrong with you?! I just about had a match!"

"Against a little girl?" she cried. 

"She wants a taste of this industry? I'll show her what it means to step in here."

"Listen to yourself Bayley! Did you get evicted or something?!"

"Sasha shut up! I've been toyed for so long! It's time I had my revenge!"

"But not like this! Don't take it out on them! On the ones who love you! I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore!"

Sasha was greeted with a slap. As she held her face, Bayley walked off. Sasha couldn't help but cry. Was this it for their friendship?

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