Chapter Eight: Please Forgive Me

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As the girls continued to celebrate Bayley's arrest, Finn stood away from the group with Sasha in his arms. A part of Finn wanted to celebrate but there was still problems. Sasha for one can't remember anything. Two, Finn has lost some of his closest friends. Sasha doesn't know anything about their history, the special times they shared when they won their first championships in NXT, everything that was sentimental to Finn was shattered!Maybe it can be fixed. Maybe Sasha will begin to remember. What about Bayley? Finn couldn't help but think it was the end of their friendship. How is Finn supposed to smile at her after what she did? She slapped and screamed at her biggest fan, she tried to kill Sasha and caused Sasha's head injury. Why should Finn feel any sympathy for her? He was going through a mental struggle. With every ounce of hatred, he wanted to shut Bayley out of his life, but something held him back. He thought back to all of the special moments they shared at house shows, all of the times they pigged out at a desert bar, every hug, every moment of love. No they didn't date, but they were like brother and sister. They were always there for each other in the darkest times. Every break up was weighed off when they got together. Something about their eyes that brought joy to each other. When Finn got injured, she was there. When Bayley was being harassed, guess who started throwing punches? Finn couldn't just leave that all behind. Just like a divorce, you'll never forget the first kiss. You'll never forget the time you decided to propose. It ate at Finn all week, he just had to see her. So a few days later, Finn decided to go to the prison.

"Finn can I come with you?"

Sasha started to speak two days ago. But it wasn't very much though. She would say good morning and good night, they occasional thanks. During recovery, Sasha opted to stay with Finn. There was just something about his protectiveness that made her feel loved and belonged. 

"Of course," Finn replied.

* * *

The car drive was silent. All that was going through Finn's head was how things would go with Bayley. Would she hate him? Would she try and hurt Sasha again? How will she react knowing how they just watched the incident? Finn kinda hated himself for letting it happen. He saw the terror in her eyes. There is still Bayley inside. Finn knows that if Bayley can see the love again that she would return to her old self. Bayley wasn't a thug. She was a hugger. A kind and lovable person. Meanwhile, Sasha thought nothing. While Finn drove to downtown, he felt something on his hand. Sasha's hand.

"Thank you Finn," she nearly cried.

* * *

"Ma'am. You have a visitor."


Bayley stood up and leaned her body against the walls. 

"Hello," Finn muttered.

Bayley didn't respond.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Am I okay?! I couldn't be better!" Bayley cheered stepping back with her arms spread. "I'm finally alone! No one to bug me! No more social media! I'm free!"

Bayley sounded like a lunatic. She kinda looked like one too. Something just seemed off. Her cheekbones were tighter. She would occasionally scratch and sniffle. Her eyes were heavy. Liquor tainted her once minty breath. Orange was not her colour.

"And look! It's Sasha Banks! The slut of the locker room!"

Sasha hid behind Finn.

"Bayley! What happened to you?! You used to be my friend! Why did you leave us in the dark?! Why do you do the things that you do?!" Finn cried.

"Shut up Finn! Go drink like the fucking Irishman you are!"

"Finn? Why is she yelling?"

Finn's hand reached behind him grabbing Sasha's, he could feel her vibrations.

"Bayley? This is not the once innocent girl I used to know. What about the time we danced in the ring? I can remember that beautiful smile as you spread yourself out in the air. And when I dipped you, I saw it in your eyes the love we shared with each other. Don't you remember?"

Finn began to tear up. Bayley was trying to stay strong. She clenched her fists. 

"What about those live events where we did each other's entrances? You were smiling from ear to ear the whole time."

Finn held up the too sweet symbol and stared at it. Bayley looked into it as well. It collapsed in his hands.

"Then I did yours. You were jumping up and down laughing as you did it at my side. Remember those times?"

A tear ran down his face.

"What about the main roster debuts? We were both so nervous. But we had that talk. How everything will be okay as long as we had each other. What about the time you wrote that poem for me? 

Finn sighed. 

"Up to the stars we will rise. Got nothing to fear as I stare into your eyes. Crystal clear in your shades of blue. I will forever and truly, stay beside you."

Finn burst into tears. Bayley threw herself at Finn being stopped by the bars. Anger shot through her eyes. 

"You dare try and humble me?! Finn! Get the fuck out of my sight!" 

Sasha saw how Bayley gripped the metal bar. She backed herself into the wall. Her head slowly shook as sweat ran down her face. 

"No. No. No! You!"

Sasha stared daggers at her right wrist. She ran her finger along the stitches on the back of her head. Bayley realized what happened.

"I can't! Meet me at the car!"

Sasha sprinted out of the building crying. Bayley's heart dropped. Finn gave Bayley one last look of desperation. A tear splashed onto the ground. She looked concerned and scared but said nothing. Finn shook his head and walked away. 

"Finn wait!"

He continued to walk.

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