Chapter Nine: Second Chance

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Finn stopped and continued to look forward. He closed his eyes trying to hold back tears. Bayley looked desperate.

"Please Finn."

Finn ran his hand down his face and took a few deep breaths. He felt the urge to keep walking. It would sure send a message to Bayley. She is pleading for him! She sounds innocent again! If he leaves, she might go back to her evil ways. But it may also have her know she screwed up.

"Please talk to me Finn."

Finn felt like he was going to regret it but he turned around. Bayley looked sorrowful.

"I fucked up," Bayley admitted softly.

Finn was quiet.

"I should of never taken my anger out on you guys."

"Sasha can't remember much. You did that."

Bayley began to cry.

"She was your best friend," he continued.

Bayley began to softly bang her head against the bars.

"I know! It's all my fault!"

Finn watched Bayley break.

"Why am I such a bad person?! How could I let myself fall so far?! I had it made! I had a great source of income, friends, people who loved me! And I fucked everything up for myself!"

"Bayley, I don't know what to say to you. I don't even know if I want to be around you anymore."

Bayley cried harder.

"Please Finn! You were always there for me! Please help me out of my darkest hole!I can't climb out of it myself!"

Finn sighed.

"You slapped a child. Not to mention your number one fan."

Bayley held her head in guilt.

"Finn. I don't know what I've become. I need help!"

"Yes you do. Whether or not if it's gonna be me who helps you is up to fate. You chose to do this. Now you're gonna choose how much you want to be liberated."

"I really do! I want to be liberated!"

"We have been friends for a long time. I don't know if I can still call you a friend-"

"Finn, please give me a second chance!"

"How long are you even in here?"

There was a pause.

"Ten years," Bayley choked.

"Ten years? They put you here for a reason. Can you even trust yourself in maintaining control? Do you even think you'll be allowed in the WWE after what you did?"


"When I was protecting Sasha from freezing to death, I spent a lot of time thinking. And I began to think about you. I began to think about how this situation was caused by my once lovable hugger. The only thing you hugged was a handcuff around Sasha's wrist. Why would you even do that? What has Sasha done to make you try to kill her?"

"I shouldn't have done that."

"That didn't answer my question."

"I'm sorry! I don't have a valid reason!"

"Do I have a valid reason to bail you out?"


"And what would that be?"

"Cause you love me."

"Do I? As of right now?"

"Finn please. I'll be good I promise."

Finn ran his fingers through his hair. He walked away.

* * *

Bayley was released a few hours later.

"Thank you Finn."

He didn't acknowledge her.


He snapped around.

"You listen and you listen closely!"

Bayley was terrified to see Finn so angry. She could feel his hands holding her shoulders. Bayley was frozen.

"Sasha is an emotional wreck in that car. And you are gonna be on your best behaviour. Do you understand woman?!"

Bayley's anxiety got the best of her as she couldn't make words.

"Do you understand me!"


Finn released her.


Finn picked up his pace as he walked more sternly towards the car. He looked through his windshield to see Sasha with her face buried in her hands. The back door opened.

"Sasha I want you to breathe. I want you to stay calm," Finn said softly.

Sasha looked behind her to see Bayley getting into the back seat. She began to panic.

"Finn what the hell is she doing here?!"

"Relax Sasha. I'll explain when we get home."

Sweat dropped off of her nose as Finn started the car. Sasha did not trust Bayley. She didn't know much but she knew Bayley caused it. She is the reason why Sasha lost her memory. As Bayley watched in the back seat, she stared at Finn and smirked.

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