Chapter Five: Save Her

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He didn't respond.


He turned his head slowly.

"She's hurt," Finn spoke revealing his bloody hand coming from the back of her head.

He was latched on good. Nothing was gonna pulled him off of Sasha. His hot, sweaty body was the only heat in that room. He couldn't leave Sasha. She'd die of hypothermia if he did! Finn was not doing well either. He was still in his ring gear leaving only a matter of time before he would freeze.

"Find Bayley. I know she did this," Finn ordered.

Charlotte ran out to the parking lot and Bayley's car was gone!


Charlotte returned to Finn.

"She's gone!"

Finn dropped his head in sorrow. 

"Is there any other way?"

"No," Finn whispered.

"Can the pipe be disconnected?"

"With the right tools. I couldn't break it with blunt force. She's trapped."

"What do we do?" Charlotte asked.

"I'm staying right here. You go home. The Smackdown roster will help me."

Finn returned his sight to Sasha.

"Finn, you'll freeze!"

"And she'll die if I don't do this!"

Charlotte huffed and left the scene. It was scary. She didn't know what to do! Sasha was left for dead in that room and Finn is sacrificing his own health to protect her! Charlotte remembered she had a car accident kit in her car. It contained everything you would need to survive if you had to abandon your car. This included a blanket. She grabbed the heavy blanket along with a flashlight and returned to Finn. 


Charlotte covered the two completely with the blanket managing to tie it around Sasha's hoisted arm too. The flashlight was placed underneath. 

"Don't move Finn, I'll be back."

Charlotte then ran around the building finding objects with a little weight. She stumbled upon the training area which contained some weights. Scooping up as much as she could carry, Charlotte went back to Finn. He was still underneath the blanket.

"Okay Finn. I'm gonna put weights around the edges. This will be like a little tent for you two. It should help in keeping you warm. Please Finn, be safe. We will all be back tomorrow."

One thing about the brand split was that even if you were on separate brands, you still had to travel together and help assemble the whole production. Hopefully Bayley would show up. She must have the key. Charlotte didn't even know if Bayley did it for sure though. She took all of the punishment and still resisted. They'd find out tomorrow.

"Goodbye Finn. If Sasha wakes up, tell her I love her."

"Goodbye," Finn said softly.

They were left all alone. It was freezing. Finn could tell it was gonna be a long night. He kissed her forehead and buried his head into her shoulder. A tear came out of his eyes and frosted at the nostril. Whoever did it had access to the temperature. There was no reason for it to be that cold. He could feel her breath from her nose on his neck and it sent shivers down his spine. The cruelty towards Sasha was unbelievable! Yes she was stubborn at times but she never did anything to deserve this. She did have a small temper but you couldn't blame her when she freaked. It was always for the right reasons. Bayley as an example. Finn tightened his muscles trying to fight the cold. The only heat was from his breath. That must of been why Charlotte sealed the edges with the weights. Finn began to do the math in his head. 

"It's around ten at night meaning two hours till midnight. The crew usually is here about six hours before the show so two o' clock. Twelve plus two equals fourteen. Plus an extra two equals sixteen." Finn spoke. "That leaves sixteen hours in here Sasha." Finn went back to his head. "Well I can sleep a good nine hours leaving only seven waking hours. This is not how I wanted my day to go."

Finn was scared. What if Sasha died?!Will he suffer? The blanket was the only thing that kept what little heat in. It was still cold. The temperature mainly roamed his back and sides but his chest was warm. That must of meant Sasha's was too. In the silence, he counted her breaths.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

The movement of her belly was the only indicator. If it ever stopped, Finn would never forgive himself. He was just that kind of person. Finn would do anything to help and if it failed, he believed it was on him.

"Sasha... Please wake up... I'm lonely."

He held her tighter.


Finn shed another tear.

"Come on Sasha. Pull through. I know you can."

Finn ran his hand through her hair.

"You're The Boss."

His arm wrapped around her neck as his left arm went around her back. As Finn waited for a mumble, a slight movement, but nothing came. Finn began to pass out. Their heads rested on each other's shoulders.

* * *

Charlotte looked at her phone revealing it to be one o' clock. She snatched her car keys and quickly drove to the arena. 

"God, I hope they're okay."

Charlotte seemed like a bad person from the eyes of the crowd but everyone backstage knew she only acted that way to rile up the crowd. If she ever did something dirty, she would apologize as soon as they got past the gorilla. It just became one of those things everyone accepted and didn't hold against her. She was a heel on the outside but a loving and caring person on the inside.

"Another red light?! Come on!"

As soon as Charlotte entered the parking lot, she saw some crew members unloading the trucks. She ran to the truck and begged for help. Her being a WWE Superstar, they immediately followed her as she ran into the building.

"Please please please be okay! Oh god!"

Charlotte entered the hallway and opened the door. A giant lump was against the wall. 

"Ms. Flair?! What is this?" one of them asked noticing a handcuffed arm.

Charlotte ripped the weights off.

"I'm here! I'm here!"

Charlotte removed the blanket. The crew stepped back in shock. A handcuffed Sasha Banks lied unconscious in the arms of Finn Bálor. 

"Finn. Wake up!"

He didn't respond.

"Finn?! Sasha?!"

Nothing. Finn and Sasha were both unconscious. Charlotte pried at Finn trying to get him off. His arms were frozen around Sasha. She tried to wiggle his legs, they were stiff. She saw the frozen tears on Sasha's shoulder. The bloody hand print on her back along with the pool they sat in.

"Call an ambulance!"

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