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After they drank coffee, went to the park for awhile, and saw a movie; both Darryl and Zak went back to Zak's apartment.

"I'm glad we made it here before it started raining so heavily." Zak stated, pressing his hands against the glass and watching drops slowly fall. The view was absolutely gorgeous.

Darryl snaked his arm around Zak's waist, pushing Zak's jacket to the side before placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder.

"Zak, we've been taking for about three months now, and you mean absolutely everything to me, I know it hasn't been all that long, but I know that you're the one for me. Would you accept the offer if I asked you to be my boyfriend?"

Zak raised his brow ever so slightly, smiling at him

His emerald eyes were so warm, so lovely.

"I would happily accept"

"Then Zak, will you be my boyfriend?"



Hi I hope y'all enjoyed my short skephalo book, I've never written skephalo before, so sorry if I didn't get their personalities spot on, but I'd like to think I did. Anyway thanks for reading, it means the world!

Omegle (Skephalo) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now