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I pulled out my phone once I was around the corner and was confident Phil couldn't see me, leaning against the brick wall with a steamy breath. My heart was pounding and my brain was spinning. Why didn't I give my number? Why couldn't I just tell him I didn't have a power? What was I so afraid of?

I texted the group chat of PJ and Chris with my news, and Chris, who was always ready to text in class, responded immediately.

Well, yeah, he goes here. I rolled my eyes at his lack of enthusiasm.

But he asked for my number. I responded, feeling my fingers slow with the cold. I decided to start heading back to my dorm, to grab my bag and get ready for my next class. My phone buzzed again, and I glanced down at it, keeping the majority of my vision on the road in front of me, the cold not deterring students from bustling to their next class.

Well, no one could resist your hot body, Dan. PJ said, his sarcasm evident even in text. I scoffed.

Why can't you two just be happy for me? I asked, glancing up at the neglected stairs as I waited for the rickety lift to crank it's way down to the bottom floor. Last year, my dorm was on the bottom floor, but this year, I had been "upgraded" to floor three, which wasn't that bad, except for all the times I had to call forth the cranky elevator, which would make it's loud and frankly dangerous descent to the bottom floor and then ascend to my own, the very top, waking everyone in the process, causing them to loudly curse my name.

Because we're jealous, Dan. AmazingPhil is hot. PJ responded as I pushed back into my dorm room.

Do you even know what he looks like, you hetero?

I picked up my books and binder that I needed for my next class, shoving them into my bag and slinging it over my shoulder with a glance at the time displayed on my phone. I had fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes to shake those bright blue eyes from my mind and get ready for class.

The lecture hall was packed, but Chris, PJ, and I all managed to find a spot where we could be mostly alone, an empty spot between me and the person next to me, and Chris, on the other end, and his elbow partner. This was not unusual, and I was very glad for a little space. I needed some room to clear my mind.

And then, there were those bright blue eyes again.

The professor, usually so composed, began to blubber. She clapped a hand on Phil's shoulder and steered him to the front, looking around patiently, an eager look in her eye. Usually, at this point, she would use her power on us to calm down the aimless chatter, but, since Phil was standing right next to her, she either didn't want him to think she was too strict, or she didn't want to deafen him.

But when Louise' hair caught fire and everyone around her burst out in laughter, the professor snapped. She turned to Phil with a soft smile, mumbled something, and he quickly covered his ears. I followed suit, knowing full well what that meant.

"ALRIGHT!" she yelled, her booming voice echoing off the walls and rattling the light fixtures. Louise quickly put out her fire as the professor smiled sweetly again, the entire room enveloped in pin-drop silence. I felt a sharp elbow to my rib cage, and, looking over at him, PJ winked. I rolled my eyes. Okay, yes, I was starring. Who wouldn't? This Phil guy was gorgeous, famous, and generous. A few girls two rows down were giving each other similar looks to what PJ and I were; a silent battle.

"This is our new student, Phil Lester." The professor beamed again, and Phil looked like he knew this was the only time she'd ever introduced anyone to the class. "He'll be here for the semester!" Phil smiled sheepishly, looking down at his white shoes. "Have a seat, Phil." I suddenly realised there were only two seats left in the room. And the one to my left was much, much closer to him.

My heart started beating faster with every step Phil took toward me, blush evident from even where I sat. So much for not being recognized. The class was buzzing, everyone staring at him as he made his quick ascent up the the very back, and he kept his face down, hugging his books close to his chest.

But when he was barely a metre away, he looked up, and recognition, followed by surprise, followed quickly by a friendly, warm smile. Don't sit here, please, don't sit here....

"Dan," Phil greeted me softly, sitting his bag down beside his chair after he had pulled himself in, setting his laptop on the desk.

"Phil," I responded after a slight hesitation, and PJ elbowed me in the side again. He stuck his hand across my chest and toward Phil with a grin, and the professor began her booming lecture.

"PJ," he introduced himself, and Phil accepted his hand with a smile. Chris then leaned as far across the desk as he could, stretching his arm to its fullest extent.

"Chris!" Phil chuckled.

"These your friends?" Phil flipped his laptop open and the professor dimmed the lights, turning the projector toward the front of the classroom as it flickered to life.

"Unfortunately..." I mumbled as I followed suit, and the man on the projector introduced himself with a dazzling grin. I tried to focus on the video, I really did, and I had just managed to shake the feeling that the warm body only inches away from me belong to Phil Lester, the Phil Lester, when he tapped me on the shoulder barely into the one minute mark.

"Is it Bad?" he asked softly, earning him a glance from some of the students around us, everyone interested in what he had to say, regardless of whether or not it was to the nobody of the class.


"Your power. Is it Bad? Because I don't mind, you can tell me." He seemed genuinely interested in the truth, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why.

"N- maybe. I won't tell." I turned back to the video.

"I'll find out soon enough," Phil said with a chuckle, and he turned back to his laptop, typing furiously. A brief glance at his screen showed me that he wasn't taking notes. In their place, there was a long list of potential powers.

My heart leapt into my throat.

Special Boy // phanWhere stories live. Discover now