Chapter 1

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"Are you serious right now!?"  I hear my mom scream from the other room.  "How could you do this?"

I jump out of bed and race to the other room.  When I heard my mom screaming this early in the morning I knew it meant trouble.  

"What's going on?"  I say immediately not realizing that it was just mom and dad fighting again. 

"Oh, nothing sweetie.  Go get ready for school or you'll be late."  My mom says with a terrified look on her face.

I go give my mom a hug and glare at my dad.  He is the one that has been causing all the arguments lately and I choose mom over him.  He has given me nothing but hell for as long as I can remember.  I'm 17 and a senior in high school, so I'm going to go to college soon.  I am really worried about leaving mom alone with him even just to go to school, but going off to college and leaving her alone is really scary.  I don't know what he's capable of doing to her once I'm gone.

My friend's pick me up for school at 7 and it's already 6:15.  Oh well, I guess I'll just take a shower when I get home.  I hurry up and get dressed, put my make up on, eat breakfast, and brush my hair and teeth and I'm ready to go.  I grab my books, hug my mom goodbye, and wait outside for my ride.  They pull partway into my driveway and I hop in the car.  I have the biggest smile on my face even though I could sense something bad was going to happen.  I could feel it in my gut that dad was going to do something bad.  It isn't everyday I wake up to mom screaming at dad.

"Hey Megan!  So, how was your weekend?  And how was that shower?"  Maggie, my best friend, says with a cheerful yet disgusted face.

"Sorry Maggie.  I couldn't take a shower this morning.  I woke up late to the sound of my parents arguing again.  But, on the bright side my weekend was great.  I spent most of it with Dillian and it was amazing."  I said to Maggie hoping she would get the hint that I didn't really want to talk about my parents.

 "OMG!  How could I forget that my little girl went out with her boyfriend this weekend?"  Maggie said in a mocking way.  

"Oh, shut up Mags."

"Hey would you both shut up with all this girly shit please.  It's about to make me barf.  Oh yeah, hi Megan.  Glad you noticed me today."  Carson, my other best friend, said.

"Hi, Carson.  I didn't mean to make you feel left out.  I've just had a rough morning.  So, how was your weekend.  Weren't you supposed to go to Lily's house and hang out with her while her parents were away?"  I asked.

"Ya, it was just perfect.  Her parents decided to send her to her aunt Penny's house over the weekend in fear she might see me.  Those sons of bitches.  I hate her parents and I have a strong feeling she does too.  But, whatever I don't even care anymore."  Carson replied gripping the steering wheel tight to try and control his anger.

I lean over to him and give in a little hug from the passenger seat.  I didn't like seeing him mad especially over a girl who's he's hardly been with.  We've been best friends for 6 years.  We met first day of 7th grade and have held on to each other ever since then.  I love him, he's like a brother to me.  Sure, we've dated a couple of times, but it never worked out obviously.   Maggie, Carson and I have all been friends for 4 years.  Carson and I met Maggie our first day of 9th grade.  I remember it was 1st hour French and us all being a big group because she didn't have a partner or any friends so she decided to join us.  At first, I thought she was a spoiled brat, but now we have so much in common.  Same with Carson.  That just proves you can't judge a book by its cover or in this case you can just a person by their face.  

"It's going to be okay." I say to Carson squeezing him tighter and giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

I give Carson hugs and kisses all the time.  My boyfriend, Dillan, thinks it is really weird, but he doesn't care because he knows I am just a friend to Carson.  Nothing more than that. And I am perfectly okay with the boyfriend I have now.

We pull up to Burkely High.  Here we go.  Another week in this boring place.  I hate it here, but I had no choice in coming here because Carson and Maggie were only allowed to come here with their grades and all.  All the kids are super mean too.  I get really good grades, A's and B's, but that just means I am a nerd to them.  They don't care about me, my feeling, or who I truly am.  All they care about is themselves, how good their clothes and shoes look, and who they bully.  It really sucks, but I ignore them most of the time and just stick by my true friends.  Even if there are only three of us we still make a good team.

"Okay, I will see both of you at lunch.  I packed some extra food because they said we are supposed to be having chicken casserole today."  Maggie makes a face and continues. "Oh and then I will see you at 7th period Carson and 8th period Megan."

"See ya guys later."  Carson said still looking pissed off.  Hopefully he gets over it by 3rd period.  We have English together and the teacher is really touchy when it comes to people in bad moods.  The last thing I want is for him to get sent to the office in the middle of class.

"See ya." I yell over to Carson who is already headed down the hall to his locker.  "Bye Maggie, see you later.  Can't wait for home ec. with you today.  I heard that she was planning on doing something fun."

I gave her a big hug and walked over to my locker where Dillan was standing.  I waved to him and he stood there with a huge smile on his face.  I ran over to him and threw my arms around him.  He hugged me back tightly and then let go and stepped away.  He gave me a rose, my favorite flower, and it had a note attached to it.  I smiled at him and opened it.  It said:

To my love, 

I love you more than everything in the world.

Don't ever leave me, stay with me forever and lets run away together.

For you are the one and only person I love and I will love you 'til the end of time.

Please promise me you'll stay.

I got this promise ring just for you.

Love, Dil

I read over this tons of times in my head and can't believe he wrote me this.  When I realize I have to hurry up and get to class I hug him, put my stuff in my locker and say goodbye.  I get to my first class and can't concentrate at all.  I just keep thinking about what he wrote.  I never knew he wanted to be with me for the rest of his life.  I wanna stay with him and I will tell him during lunch that I will.  Rings are not usually my thing, but if it means something really important like this I guess I will wear it.  I just hope I won't regret this decision.

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