Chapter 6

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"My mom isn't going to be home for a while. She texted me earlier and said that she is working late today." Dillan tells me as we walk in the door.

"Plus, we are home extra early from school. By the way, thanks for gettin me outta there. I needed this. You are the best boyfriend ever!" I say trying to act flirt to turn him on.

"Yeah, no problem. I'd do anything for you. I love you so much, babe."

"Do you want to go up to your room and have a movie marathon?"

"Sure, I'll be right up with popcorn." he tells me giving me a quick peck on the forehead and heading to the kitchen.

I walk up the stairs slowly and quietly. Dark and lonely places scare me. Even if I'm in a familiar house. Maybe I watch to much movies where the killer hides inside the house before making his move.

I walk into Dillan's bedroom and find his bed neatly made and the couch trashed with my clothes and belongings. Oops.

After spending about 5 minutes looking for a movie I finally found a good one. Romeo and Juliet. I don't know why I like the movie so much. But it's romantic and I'm in the mood for it right now. Hopefully Dillan is too.

School clothes are the worst. They are so uncomfortable. I strip into nothing but my bra and panties while I look for something else to wear.

"Woah! Should I leave?" I hear Dillan's voice say behind me.

"Holy shit! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I scream realizing that I have almost nothing on I add, "Don't look at me! Geez."

"Okay, babe. Just chill."

Finding nothing to wear I look in Dillan's shirt drawer and find an oversize t-shirt to wear. I put it on and slip into the left side of the bed waiting for Dillan to get the movie started and join me.

Finally, he gets into bed and plays the movie. Popcorn sits between us, but I move it to the nightstand. A couple handfuls is good enough for me.

Dillan scoots closer to me. Not really paying attention to the movie. I feel his eyes staring at me, so I can't help but smile.

His arms makes its way around my shoulder. As he places a single gentle kiss on my cheek my heart flutters. With all my family issues I guess I forgot how much I loved Dillan. I forgot how he made my heart flutter when he gave me kisses, I forgot how much I loved being in the comfort of his arms, but most importantly I forgot what it was like to love him.

"You know I love you, right?" Dillan whispers into my ear.

"Of course, Dil. I love you too!" I smile.

Now our foreheads are touching and I put my hand on his chest. I couldn't stand the tension anymore. It was just too tempting. Pressing a hard kiss against his lips, but pulling back after I realized he might not be into that right now.

"What was that for?" Dillan teases.

"I love you so much, Dillan. I promise I will always love you and want you. You mean the world to me. But, I'm not trying to be cheesy and romantic and shit because that ain't me."

As I am talking Dillan starts scooting down in the bed, so now his head is on the pillow instead of the head board. I follow and lay my head on his chest. Still following along with everything that's going on in the movie while thinking about everything that I just said.

What was I thinking saying everything out loud?

Maybe saying that will scare him off. My worst nightmare.

Does he really love me?

"Baby, c'mere." Motioning to the pillow next to him.

I move without questioning him.

"I love you so so so so much. That is why I gave you that promise ring. I know this is a lot to ask, but I was just wondering, giving your living situation right now, if you want to permanently move in with me."

My stomach is doing summersaults and my head is spinning. Did he really just ask that?! I'm screaming with excitement silently in my head.

"You really want me to?"


"Okay. Let me think about this one for a minute.... yes!!!! But, will your mom let me?"

"I've already talked to her and she has agreed that it is a good idea. Plus, she isn't comfortable letting you go back and live with you dad."

"I'm so happy right now. I can't even believe this is real. I'm going to move in with my boyfriend. Hopefully fiancé soon. But yay!!!"

I quickly cover my mouth after I realize I said that out loud. Oops! I don't care really. I mean I was just speaking the truth.

"Calm down, Meg. And come here."

I scoot closer and closer to him until there was no space in between our bodies. Kissing him hard on the lips I slip my hand under his shirt.

Hopefully his mom stays out really late because tonight might be some fun.

Author's Note

Okay so I know I haven't really been updating a lot lately and nobody even reads these little notes, but I'm going to write it anyway.

I've been going through a lot of crap this summer. Writing, yes, is my escape, but I have been having a hard time squeezing it in. Most just late nights typing on my iPod before falling asleep. Not the best thing to do might I add.

But now I have this chapter off and I know I'm a terrible person for leaving it on somewhat of a cliffhanger, but I decided that this little chapter that has taken me weeks to finish can finally be done.

I cant make any promises on when the next one will be up, but probably not until after school starts in 2 weeks.

I'm sorry again for not writing anything and taking forever on this, but I hope you like it.

Don't forget to vote and comment what you would want to happen.

Kk. Until next chapter. Bai.

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