Chapter 3

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I wake up to an super loud alarm clock.  I am just about to get up and find it, but then it finally gets turned off by someone.  A big kiss gets planted on my cheek and I knew exactly who was there.  I am really confused though.  Why is Dillan in my bedroom, in my house, this early in the morning?  My dad is going to be furious when he finds him there.  I think silently.  I open my eyes and sit straight up looking around the room to try and figure out where I am.  Dillan comes over to me from his closet and then I remember where I am. 

"Hey, princess.  Good morning.  How did you sleep?"  Dillan says in a nice soft tone.

"I slept just perfect.  Did your mom let you sleep in here with me?"  I ask very curiously.

"Yes, but just on the couch over there.  She wanted me to keep an eye on you after what happened last night and she thought you deserved a nice, comfortable bed, too."  He smiles and then turns away to finish getting his clothes for today out of his closet.

I get out of bed and find my bag that I thought I put my clothes in.  I start panicking.  Where did they go?!  I think over and over again.  I tear apart both bags still freaking out when I can't find them.  Dillan must've noticed me and realized that I couldn't find my clothes.

"They are in that dresser over on the other wall under the window.  I thought that since you were going to be staying a while you should have your own dresser, so I put away all your clothes in there last night.  Only in the top three drawers though.  Mine are in the last two because I couldn't fit everything in my closet."  He explains to me.

"Thank you.  I can't really remember last night.  The last thing I remember is you driving me out of the parking lot of Walgreen's."  I tell him walking over to the dresser to look for clothes to wear today.

"You completely crashed within the first block I drove.  You were in mid-sentence about being excited to go to your new house with me.  I carried you up here and put you to sleep, plugged in your phone, and put your clothes away, then I went to sleep myself after telling my mom why you are here."  

"Oh, well thank you.  Where is my phone?  And where is the bathroom?  I need to call my friends to not pick me up today and I was thinking of taking a quick shower and changing my clothes."  

"Um, your phone is on the nightstand and my bathroom is right through this door."  He points to the door about 4 feet away from his closet, but on the same wall.

"Thanks, Dil.  Love ya.  Be right back."  I tell him grabbing my phone and walking into the bathroom.

It is like a palace in there.  Everything is a creme color or gold color.  There is a bathtub in the right corner farthest from me and a shower is on the farthest left of me.  The sink has a marble top to in and a gold faucet and handles.  To my right is a door.  I open it an there is a pearl white toilet.  It is amazing in here.  I had no idea this is what Dillan's bathroom would look like.  I have only been to his house a few times because my father doesn't usually let me, but dang I could just live in this bathroom.  

My phone chimes and I look down at it, it was just my alarm clock.  I look at the time.  6:00 it read.  Good I think I have time to take a quick shower and get ready.  I strip off my clothes and put them in a pile next to the sink.  I turn on the shower to the hottest setting and get in.  The water feels so nice on my ribs and face and legs from where my dad hit me.  I wish I could stay in here forever, but I can't.  I have school soon and I still have to text Maggie and Carson not to pick me up.

After about 10 minutes I get out and dry off.  I walk over to the sink and realize I didn't bring my clothes in here.  I twist my hair up in one towel and grab another to wrap around my body.  I quickly text Maggie and Carson and walk out of the bathroom slowly.

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