Chapter 7

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Okay, maybe tonight isn't going exactly as planned, but it doesn't really matter because he is here right now with me. He hasn't left my side all night -good thing I haven't had to use the bathroom or else that would be awkward- and he even made me supper! Dillan is literally the sweetest guy I have ever met in my life.

"Hey, babe?" Dillan asks as we are laying on his bed together.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"What exactly happened between you and your dad? Why would he ever hit you?" Dillan asks trying to not sound nosy just concerned.

"I asked him for tape." Short and simple. Just straight to the point.

"What?!?!?! Are you kidding me? This happened because of that!?" Dillan jumps up from the bed and his face turns bright red with anger.

Tears started trickling down my face, "Yes. That is how he works."

"That is just fucking ridiculous. It is my job to protect you now and he will never ever ever lay another hand on you ever again. I promise."

"Thanks, Dil. I love you."

"I love you too, babe." He gets back in the bed and gives me a kiss on the forehead-even though we have been together for like ever he still gives me butterflies when he is around.

Dillan and I watch The Avengers yet again because it is our favorite movie. By now I know most of the lines and we will just blurt them out at random moments. It is a lot of fun. However, this time the mood was tense, so nobody said a word.


I wake up to find Dillan's mom covering my up with the blanket on the end of the bed. Wow, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. The last thing I remember is the last scene of the movie. Nothing else. Well, I guess I had went to sleep. How embarrassing is this right now. Dillan's mom catching us sleeping in the same bed together. At least she is okay with our relationship unlike my dad.

"Thank you." I whisper as I roll over and fall back asleep.


By the time I wake up I have no time to even think about the events that had happened last night. Dillan and I have to leave in 20 minutes. That means no shower or breakfast. One day won't hurt anybody though.

"Come on. We need to go if you want to be on time." Dillan yells from the bottom of the steps.

"Okay. Be right there." I finish tying the shoelaces on my black vans and run out of the bedroom to the front door. Dillan is in the kitchen saying good-bye to his mom, but being super slow about it because he knows it annoys me. "Coming, slow-poke?"

"Yeah, yeah. Bye mom, see you after school." Dillan says to his mom and finally leads me to his car.


The first class was pretty boring. Nobody talked to me and I didn't talk to anyone else. Second period was another story, however. All because my two best friends or ex-best friends are in it.

As soon as I walk through the doors Maggie and Carson's eyes were glued to me. Walking to my seat their eyes burn into my skull. Even though I am not looking at them I can just sense it. Like when there is a bug on your arm. You can feel it is there even when you aren't looking.

The teacher, Mr. Copper, walks into the class, cheerful as always, and starts his daily lesson. Subtly I look behind me to the left and see that they are no longer staring. Maggie noticed that I was looking and shot me a glare. I tried to play it off by acting like I was looking out the window by the table next to me, but I know she didn't buy it because I could see her whisper in Carson's ear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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