chapter 4

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Jensen's POV

"If your trying to be funny, its not." I said and pushed him away. That was low, so low I can't comprehend the lowness.

"I'm not trying to be funny Jensen. I was the one who listened to you read me stories every night after night after I got sick. I'm the one who would go out and play football with you everyday." Jared said and looked at me. He took a step closer and I looked up into his beautiful green eyes.

"If you are Jared, what is the last thing I said to you before you went to the hospital." I stared at him.

"You said, Jared, hang in there kiddo and when the place gets to full go to the sky and when the sky gets to full come back to me....I guess the sky got to full." he smiled shyly

"Jared?" I asked and when he nodded I reached up and kissed him. He kissed me back for a second. Then I pulled away leaving him stunned and I punched him hard on his jaw.

"What the hell?" Jared said and I shook my head.

"Oh I don't know maybe that was for not telling me?" I yelled and Jared threw up his hands and walked and paced around the room in front of me. "Jared...I can't even begin to tell you what everyone put me through after that." I said and I heard a little whimper come out of Jared.

"I know and its my fault." I grabbed his jaw and made him look at me. There was tear stains on his cheeks.

", no. was never your fault and it never will be, ok? If anything it was mine. If I didn't pressure mom into letting you come hang out with me when you were suppose to be in bed this would never of happened." I said and he shook his but before he could talk I kissed him again.

There was something about feeling his lips under mine it was just right. And if it is wrong I never I want to be right. I knew I felt strongly about guys, more than girls. always, I even knew when I was little 

"Jared?" I said and he looked down at me and ran his hands down my arms.

"Yeah?" He asked and I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close to me.

"Don't leave me Jar...ever." I whispered and he folded himself close to me when he lowered us to the ground.

"I won't, ever." He whispered back and I smiled.

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