Chapter 2

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Almost three hours had past sice John had left, although it had felt like only minutes to Sherlock, still lost in his mind.

John stumbled back into the apartment carelessly, eyes reddened and breath tainted with alcohol. He reeked of beer, and kept tripping over his own feet as he felt his way around the apartment. John turned the light on, though Sherlock hadn't noticed it was off, and spotted the taller man.

“Hey! It's you! Mr Sherlock Holmes," John slurred, waving the bottle of liquor, hidden by a paper bag, with one hand out in front of him. His voice was higher than usual, and held a condescendingly comical tone.


“Oh, I love it when you say my name. It's just so natural. It just rolls off the tongue like that, doesn't it?” he babbled, hiccupped then finally sighed.

Sherlock grimaced when John almost tripped over the coffee table, but didn't make a move to help him.

“John," Sherlock warned, his voice deeper.

“Oh, that one's even better", John growled, then burst into laughter. He looked at Sherlock, who was glaring disapprovingly and suddenly stopped laughing, face blank with realisation.

“God, you're gorgeous," John muttered then made his way over to Sherlock and climbed into his lap. Sherlock took a sharp breath as the blonde ground his hips down and buried his face into the detective's neck.

“J-John?" he stuttered, and rose his hands in an attempt of preserving decency. John shook his head and guided Sherlock's hands to rest on his waist as wrapped his his arms around Sherlock's neck. The blogger closed his eyes sleepily and smiled, planting a kiss underneath Sherlock's left ear, sending shivers down his spine.

“Mmmm?" John responded, sending a vibration through Sherlock's body, causing goosebumps to appear. Sherlock's face was completely red, eyes wide with shock.

“What are you doing?" he asked, trying to compose himself.

“What does it look like, Mr Detective Man?" John chuckled and nipped at Sherlock's neck.

“It looks like you're trying to seduce me," Sherlock replied in a slightly higher pitched voice.

“Mmmm, is it working?" John replied, his throat rasping.

“John, you are highly intoxicated," Sherlock said, avoiding the question. His eyes fluttered shut and a moan involuntarily spilled from his lips.

John chuckled. “Probably. But I still want you," he replied.

Sherlock's breath caught in his throat at the man's words. He fought against himself, but wrapped his arms a little tighter around John waist and angled his hip upward, giving them both a taste of the friction they so desperately craved from one another.

He reasoned that if he didn't obey John's wishes, the he'd most likely hurt his feelings, and he didn't want to do that. On the other hand, he didn't want John to wake up sober the next morning and regret his actions. Sherlock's heart was heavy as he accepted what he must do.

“John, stop," he sighed, lightly pushing his blogger away. John ignored him and rolled his hips against him. Sherlock screwed his eyes shut before regaining his strength and tried again.

“John, stop, now. You're drunk," he said firmly. John looked up at him and frowned.


“So, I don't want you to be intoxicated if we do this," he replied, gesturing between them.

“But Sherlock... I want you," John whined. Sherlock's face fell and he shook his head.

As much as his words tugged at Sherlock's heart, he has to stand his ground. He couldn't stand rejection, and from John, it would probably kill him.

“Come on, bedtime," Sherlock said sternly and lifted John up around his legs. John laughed and tried to kiss Sherlock again but he turned his head. He carried John to his bed and and placed him down gently. He lifted his blanket up around his chin and smiled down at him. John's eyes appeared to be growing heavier by the second and he struggled to keep them open.

“Sherlock... stay with me," John muttered. Sherlock's stern expression softened almost immediately and he climbed onto the bed, next to John, only lying on top of the covers. He feared that if he was under the blanket with the man, then he wouldn't be able to control himself. John curled up on his side, and wrapped both his arms tightly around Sherlock's middle.

“Goodnight, John"

“I love you, Sherlock"

Sherlock's heart rate increased and his breathing quickened and he allowed himself a small smile. He was about to reply but he realised that John was asleep.

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