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Sherlock slept on the sofa the previous night, leaving me on my own to cry a bit and come to terms with what was going to happen with the remainder of my future. 

I wondered if he was going to leave me now, I wouldn't have blamed him, after all I was making the choice to leave him. I wished that he could understand, I knew that I was making the right choice by keeping our baby safe, and I knew that he was going to be an extraordinary father, whether I was there or not.

I sat up in bed, getting ready to face my fiance and deciding what I was going to say to him when I was surprised by Sherlock standing in my doorway in his pajamas with toast and coffee.

"Morning. How are you feeling?" He looked tired.

"Pretty shit" I attempted a smile

He walked over to me with a gentle, but sad smile on his face and perched on the end of my bed. He set the toast on my bed and put the coffee on my bedside table before pulling me into a tight hug that I melted into. I immediately started to cry into his chest.

"I'm sorry Sherlock I'm so-"

"Shhh" He kissed the top of my head as his voice hushed my tears "It'll all be okay, I know it will"

"You really think so?" I looked up at him with teary eyes.

"I know so"

I pulled Sherlock into a desperate kiss. He brought his hand up to my face and rubbed his thumb against my cheek, wiping away a tear.

"Come on, get dressed, you've got a hospital appointment today remember?"

*2 Hours Later*

Sherlock and I sat in a room with the same doctor as a few days ago. Sherlock held my hand tightly as I told the doctor the decision I'd made. I wasn't going to have any treatment whatsoever for the next 8 months until our baby was born and then, depending on the state I was in, I'd have any treatment there was available to me then. Of course I was aware that by then it would probably be too late, but I said this to make Sherlock feel better, and to make myself a little less petrified.

As Sherlock and I made our way out of the hospital for the third time that week, Sherlock stopped me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"I want you to go with John and buy a dress" he said to me with a serious look on his face

"A dress? With John?" I said, feeling a bit confused.

"Yes a dress" he smiled "I'll text John to meet you around Trafalgar square. Be at Baker Street for 7, don't be late"

Sherlock made sure I got a cab to Trafalgar square to meet John and he presumably got his cab back to Baker street. I wondered what he was plotting, and why the sudden change in mood?

*45 Minutes Later*

"Hey John" I said to the doctor, giving him a tight hug

"Margo" He breathed "Sherlock told me everything...are you alright?"

"Honestly I'm fine, It's not as bad as it sounds"

"You know if you ever need to talk-"

"I know. Thank you" I interrupted him, not wanting one more person to talk to me like I was a puppy with a broken leg.

"Right" John said, taking the hint. "I have no idea why Sherlock has tasked me of all people with this, but apparently you need to buy a dress?"

"Apparently so" I laughed.

"Well, we'd better get going then"

John and I hiked around London, going in every dress shop we could find so that I could get a dress that didn't make me look too tall, too short or too much like a potato. Finally we found one dress that I decided I looked decent in. I hoped that whatever Sherlock had planned for us was worth all the trauma I'd gone through. I made a mental note never to do anything that required buying a dress ever again, and especially not with John. Although John was great company, he was definitely not good at shopping. Every time I tried something on he'd say the exact same thing: 'Yeah that's really nice'. So he was no help at all.

John and I said our goodbyes and I got a cab back to Baker Street. It was 5pm and there was no sign of Sherlock in the flat so I assumed he was going to pick me up at 7. I spent the next 2 hours getting ready, trying to make myself look as good as possible. My dress was navy blue, it hugged my waist but flowed outwards slightly as it ran past my hips. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed where the dress was tight around my abdomen, a small bump was beginning to appear. I smiled.

Finally and right on time, I was ready.

It was 7pm and there was no sign of Sherlock, I looked out of my window and to my surprise there was a shiny black Rolls Royce car parked on the curb of Baker Street. Just as I'd noticed the car, my phone buzzed.

It's for you


A man dressed in a black tuxedo and white gloves opened the door for me as I approached the car and I got in as graciously as I possibly could, attempting not to fall over in the dress and heels I was not used to wearing. The inside of the car was just as luxurious as the outside, creamy white leather seats and blacked out windows, not to mention the man driving the car, who looked like he was richer than me, John and Sherlock combined. After about half an hour of driving through central London, we finally reached our destination.

I got out of the car and looked up, I immediately knew exactly where I was.

The Sky-garden.

A huge skyscraper in the middle of London that houses England's highest garden. I'd heard the views up there were breathtaking but I never imagined I'd get the chance to go up there.

I was escorted inside and after an awkward elevator ride we got to the top floor.

The doors of the elevator opened and all of a sudden I was in a huge room with glass surrounding me. The floor was made of glass, the walls were made of glass, the roof was made of glass. Everywhere you looked you could see the beautiful views of England's capital city. Tiny lights dotted the entire landscape, sparkling like stars in the sky. We were so high up, that the city below us seemed like it was in a completely different world.

Despite all this, there was one thing in the huge glass room that was more breathtaking than anything else.

There, standing in the middle of the room was Sherlock. He had his back to me, but even from where I was I could see he was wearing a slim fitting black tuxedo and his curly brown hair practically shined against the lights from the city. When he heard the elevator doors open, he turned to me.

I walked over to him, trying my hardest to look like I wasn't going to fall over. When I finally arrived by his side he snaked a hand around my waist and brought his face close to mine. Music began to play and Sherlock started to dance, guiding me along with him.

"How" I breathed "How the hell did you pull this off"

Sherlock grinned "Perks of having a brother in the British government. What do you think?"

"This-It's amazing Sherlock" I replied, still in awe of where I was.

"By the way" Sherlock started to say "You look absolutely exquisite"

"And you look amazing" I grinned back "But why? Why this? Why now?"

"Well" he pulled me closer to him "You're not going to die. I'm not going to allow you to leave me here on my own" his eyes flickered down to my stomach "But, I want to make the most of our time together before our little one arrives"

I smiled sadly and I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. I pushed down my sadness and pulled Sherlock in for a long kiss full of love and devotion.

Sherlock knew what I was going to put him through, he knew the risks I was taking and he knew how hard he was going to have to work to keep me on my feet for the 8 months ahead. He knew all of it and still he stood by me, his loyalty to me unwavering.

It was at that moment I knew that, dying or not, that I was the luckiest woman alive. 

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