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Sherlock groaned as I planted kisses on his bare chest, I looked up and smiled at him, taking in how gorgeous he was.

"You're so beautiful" he groaned as he pulled me close to him.

I woke up.

"You're awake" Sherlock smiled, his hand was in mine, just like always.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"About 12 Hours"

"Shit I'm sorry..."

"What for?"

"I'm just wasting time"

"Don't be silly"

I looked at Sherlock as he sat there, holding my hand, as he always was. He was obviously so tired, anyone with a brain would be able to tell he was exhausted, but still he sat there. He refused to move if I wasn't moving, refused to eat if I wasn't eating, and god knows what he did when I slept.

"Sherlock" I whispered

"Margo" he smiled

I looked at him. But I wasn't just looking this time, I was really looking. I was memorizing every single last detail of his face like it was the last time I was ever going to see it again. His icy blue eyes that told a thousand stories, his brown curly hair where one curl always ran astray of the others, his gorgeous smile that could brighten anyone's day, his lips and how his mouth curled up at the edges when he told me he loved me. Everything.

"Thank you" I said to him "Thank you, Sherlock"

"What for?" he squeezed my hand

"You made everything worth it. I will love you my whole life, you and no one else I swear-"

"Margo..." Sherlock started to say, his eyes growing wet.

"No please" I interrupted, my voice weak and barely louder than a whisper "I promise that I'll love you forever, and no matter what happens we'll always find a way back to each other"

Sherlock was crying now.

So was I.

"I love you Margo"

"I love you too Sherlock"

"Just one more thing, I-" I began

"No" Sherlock interrupted through his tears "Don't say goodbye"

"Of course not, never that" I smiled at him

Sherlock lent down and kissed me, I melted into him. That kiss was the best kiss we'd ever shared. It could never last long enough.

"I'm gonna get some sleep" I whispered

"Okay" Sherlock kissed my hand "Night, Margo"

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