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"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough" - Oprah Winfrey


Most of the time, people say things for a reaction, and I can't even bear to give them the satisfaction.

So there's something that I gain from feeling like I'm the bigger person, from walking away from a situation.

[Recap]: It was just complete silence...

"All right, what do you got for me?" The nurse asked

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"All right, what do you got for me?" The nurse asked

"BP is 85155" The paramedic answered.

I held Rose's hand as they brought her inside the hospital.

"Resp. Is twelve and falling."

"Distal pulse is dropping," The nurse stated.

"We got a line in."

"There's obvious abdominal edema." The nurse said. "Get the O.R. ready."

"I'll call," The lady spoke.

"Come on, people, lets go." They rushed her to the back. "Move."

A nurse got in-front of me before I could follow them back there.

"We will take care of her sir," The lady put her hands in-front of me. "Someone needs to take care of that cut on your head."

"She needs me."

"It's hospital policy."

"All right, all right," I shouted.

"You're hurt, we will take care of you," She stated.

"I got it," I tried looking over her shoulder to see if I could see Rose but I didn't see anything.


After waiting, they finally brought me to Rose.

"Why don't you spend a few moments with her right now?" The doctor said. "She's still coming out of anesthesia. She's under a lot of pain medication."

I just stared at her.

"You got one tough cookie here. Before she went under, she told me I wasn't allowed to remove any of her body parts without her permission."

I rubbed her head, "That's Rose for you...tough as nails."

"Can I um-speak to you outside for a minute?" He asked.

I walked with him outside to the waiting area.

"Mr.Johnson, this is a very severe injury. If she doesn't wanna have to park in the handicapped spot for the rest of her life, she's going to need months of physical therapy." The doctor looked at me. "You need to make her understand that."

"Okay." I shook my head in agreement.

"Are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah, thank you." I shook his hand as he walked away.

I turned around to spot Tree and Brock.

"How is she doing?" Tree asked.

"Her leg was broke pretty bad."

"Is she gonna be alright?" Brock asked.

I shook my head, "Yeah. It could've been a lot worse, though."

"Yeah, it makes you count your blessings." Brock implied.

"You gonna be able to take over the team for a while?" I looked at them.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Brock looked at me and then at Tree.

"We do most of the work anyways, right?" Tree looked at me.

"Here, look, I got Rose some flowers," Brock handed me the flowers.

"She'll like these."

"I-um got you a bear," Tree held out the bear.

"You got him a bear?" Brock asked Tree.

"Yes, I got him a bear."

"You brought that for him?"

"Brock, yes, I brought him...yes. It's my money."

six>>Mama Clark

I ran up to the front desk, "Rose Johnson. I'm looking for Rose Johnson."

"She's in Recovery, right through there," The lady at the desk pointed.

"Thank you so much."

"Chris, Chris."

Chris turned around and stared at me.

"Okay, okay, what-" I walked up to him. "Just tell me what happened."

"She's okay, all right." He replied. "Now, she had to have surgery."

"Surgery?" I closed my eyes. "Why didn't you call me sooner?"

"Everything was happening so fast. I wasn't thinking straight."

"It looks like you had time to call everybody else. Where the hell is she?"

"We're gonna go," Tree and Brock said in sync.

"Nice to see you," Tree smiled.

"Okay, okay where is she?" I asked.

"Okay, it was an accident, all right. Somebody just ran a red light and hit us...it just came from nowhere."

"You know what. I don't even want to hear that," I put my hand up. "She called me when she was at home waiting for your ass...now if you hadn't been out coaching those kids. You probably would've paid more attention. You wouldn't have been in such a hurry. This is all your fault Chris." I pointed at him. "Now, where is she?"



Thanks for reading my new story, please tell me what you think of it so far. Honest feedback would help a lot.



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