| nine |

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  "Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are." - Markus Zusak  


People say that.

They love truth.

But in reality they want to believe that.

In which they love is true.

"One, two, three, down." Ebony instructed.

"Ouch, ouch ,ouch. That hurts." I cried out. "How much longer do we have to do this?"

"You're doing good," She stated. "Just breathe."

"Okay," I started to breathe in and out. "I got this."

She lifted up my leg up and down.

"How is everything going in here?" My mother walked into the room.

"Everything is fine mama," I closed my eyes. "Everything is fine."

"You better not be hurting my child na," My mother glared at Ebony.

"I'm just trying to make her better," Ebony. "Help her get back on her feet to that important job she has been talking about."

"Alright na," My mother kissed my forehead. "Call me if you need anything."

"I will," A smile slowly formed on my face.

nine>> Chris

I was sitting in my office, looking over all the medical bills that were left for me to pay.

"Welcome back coach!" Bo came into my office smiling. "We missed you, glad that you're back."

"I'm glad to be back," I said. "Why aren't you practicing with the rest of the boys? We have a game in a few days."

"I don't think I can make it to that game." Bo answered. "My parents don't even want me to be here right now but I told them I was going somewhere else. It's all because of Renzo, he's always ruining something for me."

"Is Renzo down in the gym right now?" I asked.

"Renzo hasn't been back here since he ran out the gym angry that day." Bo stated. "I'm suppose to be telling you that today is going to be my last day being on the team, it was fun while it lasted."

I feel bad, his parents shouldn't take away something that is this important to him.

"Would you like me to talk to your parents?"

"That's not going to change the way they feel about me being on this team. I think if Renzo wasn't this bad then maybe they would rethink their decision but nothing is going change, my parents are still making me leave the team."

"I'm going to try and convince your parents to let you stay on the team," I got up from my seat. "Let's go back down to the gym so you can finish practicing with the rest of the guys."

"You don't have to do that coach," Bo said, looking at me.

Me and Bo walked down the stairs, leading to the gym.

I opened the gym doors, to see everybody practicing.

"Listen up boys!" I shouted, causing everybody to look up at me. "Come over here. I need to discuss something with you guys."

"Yes coach?" Kareem asked.

"Today is going to be the last day Bo is going to-" I was interrupted by someone barging into the gym yelling.

"Bo, get your little ass over here!"

"I'm sorry dad," Bo apologized.

The guy got closer to us and I realized that it was Marcus.

Marcus looked over at me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm their coach," I answered. "Why are you coming into my gym yelling like that?"

"Didn't I tell yo' ass that I didn't want you back here?" Marcus ignored me and continued talking to Bo. "You don't listen just like your damn brother. I should slap your ass right now."

"I just wanted to say goodbye to my team pops," Bo said.

"Come on!" Marcus pushed him by the head, walking towards the exit. "Don't let me catch your ass back over here."

"You gone quit pushing him like that," I said, walking over towards them.

"This is my child, which means I can do whatever the fuck I want," Marcus answered. "Bo, go wait for me outside."

Bo ran out the gym, leaving Marcus standing there.

"Boys go grab your bags, and I'll see y'all at practice tomorrow."

All the kids grabbed their bags from the floor and made their way out the gym.

"Bye coach!" They all yelled.

"So what was that again?" I asked, staring at Marcus. "There is no need for you to touch him like that."

"You need to worry about this damn team of yours," Marcus walked closer to my face. "Don't worry about how I discipline my child nigga."

"I'd advise you to back up out of my face," I pushed him a little, causing him to stumble backwards.

Marcus took a swing at me but missed.

At this moment Marcus knew he fucked up...


Thanks for reading my new story, please tell me what you think of it so far. Honest feedback would help a lot.


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