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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu


Don't worry about those who talk behind your back.

They're behind you for a reason.

I leaned over my wife to see that she was asleep.

"Baby, you awake?" I asked as I kissed her cheek.

"I am now. Since you want to wake people up," She rolled her eyes. "Have you been drinking?"

I just continued to kiss her cheek and shoulders.

"I'm not drunk. If that's what your asking," I said. "I just had a few beers with the boys."

"That's nice," She closed her eyes.

"You know what I was thinking."

"What?" Rose asked.

"I was thinking that we need to get back to the loving part of our marriage."

"You tryna keep up with Tree and Janette."

"No, I ain't tryna keep up with-"

"Yes you are, yes you are, yes you are."

"I just look at you and be like damn we can have some beautiful babies," I rubbed her shoulders.

"Chris, how many times are we going to have this discussion?" She groaned. "I'm not ready for no babies. Now can you please move over."

I just looked at her.

"I have a career, I have dreams, I have places I want to go." She turned around and looked at me.

"I do too."

"A baby is just going to get in the way." She stated. "Besides, you're building a business, okay? You can't come home late at night after hanging with your boys and expect sex."

I put my arms behind my head and closed my eyes.

"I forgot one thing. I need you home by five tomorrow, for my award ceremony."

"Whatever," I leaned over and turned off the lights. "I like that rag on your head."

She hit me with the pillow, "That's why you not getting any."

The next morning

"Stop hogging the ball Renzo," I yelled. "There's no I in team."

"But coach-" Renzo responded.

"But nothing. I want you guys to work together, I don't want one person playing for the whole team."

"Well if you tell Renzo ugly ass to pass the ball sometime then we would be working together," Brandon shouted.

"Shut the hell up," Renzo pushed Brandon.

"Renzo and Brandon give me two laps," I shouted. Having them look at me like they wanted to beat me up.

"I'm adding an extra lap. Since ya'll want to look at me like that," I grabbed the ball from Renzo. "Get going!"

"Man, you foul for this coach," Renzo stated. "I thought we were friends."

I ignored Renzo and tossed the ball to Kareem, "Show me what you got."

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