Chapter 1

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You woke up,hair plastered to your face due to the humidity that hung in your room. You groggily sat up in your bed and looked out your window. The sun shone with such ferocity that it almost blinded you.

Birds happily chirped and only a few people were out and about. You decide that it was time to get ready and go to the library. The library always made you feel safer especially after you had left your parents side a few years ago.

You slipped on a (f/c) short sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts then left the safe place you called home.

The sun was blazing hot and you hated it. You would rather be inside surfing the web than being outside interacting with people,but you were glad that the library was only a blocks away from your house. The quiteness of the library always calmed you and you had made friends with the librarian who worked there.

The librarian was fairly young and very beautiful. She was also a person who didn't like interacting with people,so you easily made friends with her. She was the only friend that you made since you  away from your family.

Making friends wasn't really your greatest attribute.

On your way to the library you spotted a man standing outside the entrance, with his back to the wall and foot propped up against it. wearing a black leather jacket and underneath was a gray low cut tank top.
Isn't he hot? You thought silently to yourself. He also wore a pair of sunglasses and had an...entertaining hairstyle that was in the shape of a bowl and had two little antenna looking hairs sticking out. "Hehe..." You giggled.

You jumped at the sound of yourself laughing and tried to hide it. You were afraid that he might of heard you because he had turned his head in the direction of you. You made an"Eeep!",of silence and lowered your head so he wouldn't see your face then quickly made your way into the building.

Before you could even reach the door a large shadow seemed to engulf you. You looked up to see the man who was standing by the entrance is no in front of you blocking the path. "Hello my...Karamatsu girl. Looking to check out some books or have you come to check me out?"

His voice was low and rumbly which scared you and made tears well in your eyes in fear of him hurting you. You backed away from him and circled around to get to the door of the library.

You ran into the safety of the building where you could quickly dodge him within the maze of bookcases. The cool wind of the constant air conditioning hit your face and drowned out the worried shouts and footsteps of the man you had narrowly escaped.

Your librarian friend greeted you with a friendly hello as you raced and hid in the bathroom. The sound of his footsteps stopped for a few moments then decided to move on. You breathed a sigh of relief and waited a few more minuets until you were sure it was safe to leave.

You moved out of the bathroom and headed to the front desk and crept behind it and met up with your friend. "Woah! Who was that?"

"I don't know,but he was terrifying." You said with a quivering voice.

She placed a hand on your back and proceeded to comfort you. As she did that the man who confronted you passed by the desk and you ducked down so you couldn't be seen.

"Excuse me miss,you haven't seen a beautiful young woman pass by here have you?"

"No,sorry I haven't. Wish I could have been of more help."

"No worries.",he said and then he proceeded to walk out of the library.

You stood up and watched as he headed out the door.


After spending the whole day in the library it was time for you to go home and do what you feel safe doing. Sleep. You had been exhausted from all the excitement from this morning.

You had made sure to take the back way to get to your house in fear of the man from earlier and bumping into him again.

You rounded the corner to your house and walked in. Making your way to your comfy bed you plopped down and let your body fall back onto the soft pillow,lulling you into a peacefully sleeping state.

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