Chapter 5

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You woke up in the middle of the night to the feeling of someone moving and hugging your waist. It was Karamatsu.

Waah! H-He's laying on me!

You panicked a little bit,but tried not to wake him. The sound of his cute but gentle snoring made you feel all warm and tingly inside as you watched him sleep.

Setting your hand on his head you begin to push his hair side to side. Wow its so soft!

*vrrt* *vrrt*

Your phone lit up as a message from Todomatsu flashed on the screen.

>hey (Y/N) is nii-san there?

<yeah he's here I'm letting him stay over

>oh ok have fun...😏

Blush began to form as you read the message. It made you want to throw the phone but refrained from doing so.

The warmth of Karamatsu's body heat was starting to make you sleepy,but you decided to sneak a few quick pictures before sleep began to overtake you again. You let your head fall back onto the couch and begin to sleep once again.


Hehe I'm so glad I got these photos last night. You devilishly thought to yourself as you carefully looked through the photos,admiring the sheer cuteness of his sleeping face.

You were both now wide awake and were setting out bowls so you could eat breakfast together.

It feels so awkward! S-Should I say something? You thought while struggling to reach a box of sugary cereal from on top of the fridge.

"Here my princess, let me help."a sudden warm feeling was now pressed up against your back as Karamatsu reached over you.


A foreign feeling bumped up against you and it made you quickly back up to see what it was.

" Woah!" In an instant you were both tumbling to the ground,cereal box in hand.

He was now laying flat on his back with you on top. You sit up and try to stand but Karamatsu grabs onto the edge of your shorts pulling them down making you fall flat on your face. This is so embarrassing!!!

Your cute white panties with a blueberry pattern on them were now showing. "I am soooo sorry (Y/N), are you ok?" Karamatsu asks as he helps pull up your shorts.

"*Hic*I'm f-fine," you were now crying out of embarrassment. You were both blushing like crazy at what had just happened.

He pulled you close to his body and began patting your head. "Ssshh its ok..."


After what seemed like an eternity, you finally calmed down and were changing into clean clothes.

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