Reset For the Last Time (Original Sans x Reader)

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Here you were again, in the judgement hall. The small knife you had been using for a long time in your journey gleamed in the light in your hand. A creepy smile was etched onto your face, a red gleam in your eyes. Did you enjoy this, what you have done? No. It wasn't you who was in control. Then again, when were you in the first place? The final obstacle to the surface was in front of you, before it would all start over again.

He had tears in the corners of his eye sockets, his left eye flaring blue, smoke coming from it. Behind him were two of his gaster blasters, their white eyes locked onto your own. Bones floated around the skeleton, both blue and white. His name, Sans.

"(y/n), i see that you're back," he said calmly. "welp, i guess it's time for the usual. it's a beautiful day outside. monsters are prowling, flowers are blooming, and on days like these, kids like you, should be burning in hell." Bones flew at you, and 'you' expertly dodged each one of them.

Look, (y/n)! We're almost done~ said Chara in a sing song voice in your head.

Shut up, you replied.

Aw, don't be like that. Maybe five more resets, and I'll leave you on the surface, said Chara. You wanted to cry, but you couldn't because of them.

I-I still love Sans, you snapped. I don't want to kill anyone!

You think he still loves you? I'm sorry, but NO! Your best chance is to kill him and move on.

You couldn't take it. Chara started moving her hand to the Fight button. She pressed it, and you sighed mentally in relief as Sans dodged it.

"what, you think i'm going to stand here and take it?" asked Sans.

"Exactly, Sansy~," Chara replied in your voice. "You should. You and I both know I eventually win."

"heh, except this time i have a bit of leverage," said Sans. You felt Chara's mind go confused. "i know you're not (y/n), chara."

"W-Who's Chara?" Chara asked, giggling. Sans rolled his blue eye.

"you are," said Sans. "no more games. alphys taught me what to do after i told her of what you have done."

Chara, I think it's time to say goodbye, you thought.

Oh ho ho, I'm not done with you yet.

"Hah. Took you many timelines to figure me out," your voice was suddenly demonically low, like how Chara's voice usually was.

"get out of (y/n)," said Sans.

"Aren't ya going to show me how I will be removed from her?" asked Chara.

"alphys... alphys said i have to talk to (y/n)," said Sans, cringing. "it will be hard to stay alive, but i know she's in there."

"Oh, I killed her a long time ago," Chara lied. Sans's eyes widened.

"NO YOU DIDN'T!" you screamed. Sans took a large step back. His eyes were filled with confusion.

Shut up! We're almost done! Continue with this, and I will make you reset and extra five timelines.

Like you'll ever let me go.

Point taken. But, I'M IN CONTROL.

This isn't your life. It's mine. Get the fuck out demon spawn.

Name calling? Let's see where that gets you. Watch your favorite skeleton get turned to dust. On cue, Chara pressed the fight button with your hand, and yet again, missed. Sans threw a few bones, but not super powerful attacks like how he usually was.

I'm done. I am me, and you have no control.

WHAT?! NO! You had taken yourself back over. The red gleam was gone in your eyes, turning them back to the original (e/c) eyes you had. You collapsed on the ground, the knife clanging as you threw it away. You looked up, seeing Sans. You flashed him a weak smile. Two options were in front of you. RESET:CONTINUE

"Heh, the little demon's finally gone," you said.

"(y-y/n)?" Sans's grin grew wide.

"Let's start over, shall we?" you asked, standing up. "And give everyone the happy ending they deserve." Sans walked over, kissing you.

"alright," said Sans. You pressed reset, and the world faded to white. The familiar sensation of empty air surrounded you, the thud coming as you landed on something soft. You stood up, seeing the buttercups. It was time for the happy ending. Chara was gone.

A/N, sorry this isn't THAT good but my friend decided to make a chapter after I gave her a password to my account, before I switched it. I might do that occasionally if you are trustworthy.

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