Dance The Night Away (Dancetale Sans x Dancer!Reader)

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^.^ 2k reads?! In half a month, I reached 1k. In a month and a half, I reached 2k. I can't thank you all enough. (almost 3k now :O) I suggest you play your favorite songs bc this AU needs it.

The monsters had been released from the underground, thanks to you and your sister, Frisk. It was rather hard, considering you and Frisk nearly died multiple times. But, you both managed to push through it, determination coursing through your veins. 

The fights always consisted of dancing, and if you were to fail to match the genre of dance the monster you went against danced to, you would be attacked. 

You were a good dancer, but some of the genres you were pretty bad at were ballet, waltz, and tarantella. They were calmer dance styles, so you left those fights for Frisk, and you usually liked punk/rock, hip hop, and Latin dancing. 

The sun gleamed on top of the mountain. You took off your cap that read 'Don't Hate Me For Dancing' read on it. It was (f/c). Sans walked next to you, taking off his hood, a smile plastered on his face. 

You wanted to say how sorry you were. But why were you sorry? It was because you had to reject his affections. They were a distraction from what mattered. They were a distraction from getting everyone out of the underground.

But, you could have worked through it. Maybe he wouldn't be as hurt. He didn't dance as much as he used to. 

"heya, kid, thanks for-you know- getting us all out," said Sans. You turned to Sans, but he was facing away, looking at the broken barrier. 

"It's no problem," you replied curtly. You rubbed your arm awkwardly. "Say, you want to go to a dance club?" Sans shrugged.

"are they like the underground ones?" he asked.

"Except there are humans," you replied. "Well, people around here are accepting. Come on!" Sans met your eyes for a split second, before looking down to the ground.

"welp, got nothing better to do," said Sans, rolling his pinpricks. You were slightly hurt, but you realized it was because you had rejected him. You realized that was your worst mistake. Frisk came to your side, putting a hand on your arm comfortingly. 

"Don't worry, (y/n)," said Frisk, as she smiled. 

"Alright," you said. You pulled on Sans's sweatshirt. "Come on!" You pulled him down the mountain.

"how about we take a shortcut?" asked Sans. Before you could stop him, he grabbed your hand and teleported you into the town at the base of the mountain. You took in a deep breath, and then realized Sans was still holding your hand. You blushed as you looked down at it. Sans followed your gaze, and turned bright blue, quickly pulling away. You felt a bit disappointed.

You felt the familiar beat of the dance club on the ground. You smiled, and gestured for Sans to follow you. His grin somehow became wider, and he ran after you. 

You burst into the club, smiling widely.

"(y/n), is that you?" 

"Woah, she was missing for a long time!"

"Where have you been (y/n)?" All the questions popped around, and you smiled. Everyone was your friend here. 

"I've been freeing the monsters," you replied. Sans pulled his hood on his head, slightly uncomfortable.

"Oh, that's awesome!" said one boy in particular. Jake, your ex boyfriend, pushed through the crowd and gave you a hug. "I've been so worried!" You pushed him away slightly.

"I'm glad you were, heh, worried," you said. Sans's pinpricks were gone, and his smile was nonexistent. Was he... jealous? 

"Well, I have to get back to my friend," you said. Jake looked slightly disappointed, but let you go. You walked over to Sans. He looked slightly angry. 

"who was that?" he asked.

"Why do you want to know?" you replied, crossing your arms, a smirk on your face. 

"why should i tell you?" he asked.

"How about a dance battle? If you win, I will answer your question and any others truthfully for the rest of the night," you said. "And if I win, you have to answer all of mine."

"your on," said Sans. He smirked. People crowded around, intrigued. 

Suddenly, your favorite song started playing. You smirked, and prepared yourself. Sans smirked back.

As the beat started to get to you, you arched your back, leaning backwards, spreading your arms into the air and swaying your hips. Sans copied you to taunt you. You stuck your tongue out at Sans, catching him by surprise.

You lowered your hand, and tapped your feet to the beat. The beat started to pick up, and you went onto the floor, doing the worm. Sans started doing the windmill, and you took it as a chance to sweep out your foot to catch Sans by surprise. Sans jumped over your leg, surprising you with a bone flying out to you. 

You caught the bone, and steadied yourself over it, doing a hand stand before flipping and landing. The crowd cheered. But, you weren't paying attention to Sans. Suddenly, a hand flew out at you, knocking you to the ground.

"And the winner is... Sans!" shouted someone. You looked up, to see Sans reaching a hand out to pick you up. You smiled, and he lifted you up bridle style. Before you knew it, you were outside.

"so, who was that earlier?" asked Sans. You sighed, rolling your eyes.

"That was Jake, my ex boyfriend," you replied. Sans almost dropped you.

"do you... do you love him?" he asked. Now you wished you never made that bet. Of course you didn't.

"No," you replied. Sans looked slightly relieved, then troubled.

"who do you love, then?" he asked.

"..." you couldn't say anything. Sans made a low growl noise.

"why did you reject me?" asked Sans. "why did you break my heart?"

"You were a distraction from my goal!" you shouted. "But then I realized my mistake when it was too late. I wish I could take all that back, but I can't! You want to know who I love?! It's you, bonehead!" Sans was shocked. 

"m-me?!" exclaimed Sans. 

"Yes you," you huffed, before leaning forward and kissing Sans on the teeth. 

"I SHIP IT!" shouted Frisk, popping out of the dance club. 

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