The Prank (Original Sans x Reader)

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You were bored, to say at the least. You sat, alone, in Grillby's. You didn't know what to do, and Sans was gone for the day, so you had nobody to joke with. Your heart felt heavy as you thought about him. You wondered how you could get his attention, and maybe tell him how you feel...

"Hey, (y/n)!" exclaimed Frisk, jumping into the seat next to you. You squeaked, and a few monsters stared.

"F-Frisk! You scared me," you said.

"Hah, get pranked," replied Frisk. "Thinkin' 'bout Sans?" They said the last part in a deeper tone, trying to mimic Sans's voice. You blushed, causing Frisk to giggle.

"Don't tell, okay? I want to be the one to tell him," You sighed. "Though I don't know if he likes me back..."

"Well, let's play a prank on him!" said Frisk. "It will be fun, and maybe you can tell him you love him afterwards." Your face blushed even more.

"Hhahahahaha! Okay," you laughed evilly. Frisk joined in. Some monsters visibly scooted away. "Yassssss, move away I'm scary." 


"So, I'm going to pretend to kill you," said Frisk. "I will use a knife, and a ketchup bottle will be your 'blood'."

"What?! A knife is dangerous!" you exclaimed. "And why in the world would Sans think you're a murderer?"

"Because I look like a killer called Chara, as he told me," Frisk replied.

"That's mean of him to say," you said.

"I don't care," said Frisk. "So, the knife will be a paper one. I made one, and it looks pretty good." She took it from her back out of nowhere and it indeed looked real, even though it was a sheet of paper cut in the shape of a knife. You grinned.

"Okay," you said. Frisk tossed you a bottle of ketchup. It had a small hole in it.

"Put some pressure on it after I 'stab' you with my knife," said Frisk. She smeared her hands together. You felt slightly nervous.

"He won't believe us!" you said. Frisk grabbed your arm, pulling you out of Grillby's, to the Skele-bros house. She knocked.

"JUST A MOMENT! I'M MAKING SPAGHETTI!" shouted Papyrus. There was a loud clang and some screaming, but Papyrus made it to the door. "HELLO, (y/n) AND FRISK!"

"I need to borrow this," said Frisk. She snatched Papyrus's scarf/cape and ran off giggling.

"WHAT! COME BACK!" screamed Papyrus. He glared at you accusingly. 

"We need it for a prank," you said. Papyrus squealed.

"CAN I WATCH?" asked Papyrus. You nodded, and he picked you up, starting to run after Frisk, quickly catching up. He picked Frisk up and hoisted them on his shoulders, and Frisk giggled uncontrollably.

"Sans might hurt you," you said.

"I know, but remember, I'm filled with Determination," said Frisk, stifling a smile. You laughed.

"Great reference to your soul," you said.

"Which soul are you?" asked Frisk.

"Oh, I'm (soul type)," you replied. I dare you to comment what soul you are from a test.

"Cool," said Frisk. "Papy, I need you to hide behind these bushes." Papyrus came to a stop. 

"WHAT ELSE?" asked Papyrus.

"Watch this prank," Frisk replied. Papyrus's eyes sparkled. 

"OKAY, GIVE ME MY SCARF/CAPE BACK WHEN YOU ARE DONE," said Papyrus. He crouched behind the bushes, the snow covering the view of him. He was surprisingly quiet. 

"Now," Frisk whispered. She pulled out the paper knife, and you shoved the ketchup bottle under your sweater, it barely visible. You shrieked loudly, and you heard Papyrus stifle a laugh. 

"Shhh!" you said. You shrieked again, and Papyrus was quiet, though you knew he was amused. "STOP!" You saw something blue flash at the corner of your eye. Frisk somehow winked, and ran forward, 'stabbing' you in the chest with the paper knife. You fell to your knees, your hand coming to your heart where you pressed on the ketchup bottle. You made a fake cough, that surprisingly was good. 

"no!" yelled Sans's voice. He rushed forward from hiding behind the bushes. Frisk put on Papyrus's cape/scarf. Sans glared at her. "you killed papyrus?!"

"Yes," said Frisk in a demonic voice. You shuddered. Sans turned to you, worry in his eyes.

"(y/n)," he said. You fell to the ground, Sans falling on his knees and holding you. "don't die on me!"

"I'm... Sorry... Sans..." You said, going limp and closing your eyes. You could barely contain your laughter.

"no! (y/n)!" cried Sans. You opened your eye a crack, and saw Sans's left eye glowing. He turned to Frisk, growling. "you ready for a bad time?" 

"No," said Frisk. You shot up, tackling Sans to the ground, pulling out the bottle and squirting the ketchup all over his face.

"GET DUNKED ON!" screamed Papyrus, standing up. "OH HOW LONG I WANTED TO SAY THAT!"

"what the what," said Sans. "not funny." He pushed you off, and you landed in the snow, still smiling.

"You're smiling~" you said.

"i am and i hate it," said Sans, his face contorting as he realized what he said. "now i sound like papyrus after i tell a pun."

"NYEH HEH HEH~" chortled Papyrus.

"You know I love you, Sansy," you said. You went silent. Oh. Fuck. Sans stared at you, and Frisk burst out laughing.

"Great job!" exclaimed Frisk. They shoved you forward, and you landed on Sans's teeth, kissing him. You tried to pull away, and Sans gripped your shoulders, keeping you still. You melted into the kiss, your eyes closing.


"i love ya too," said Sans. "let's go back to my place." 

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