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I woke up in the forest, my body aches sooo much!
I must have shifted back last night, it must be nearly breakfast....

Getting up I casted a spell to neaten myself up and headed towards Hogwarts. The forest is quite peaceful in the morning, unlike at night when it's a little scary.

I wonder how Malfoy is, did he worry about me? Of course not he's a Malfoy and they don't care for anything....

I don't know why but my heart burns whenever I see pug face around him, she's practically a baby koala clinging to him- except koalas look better than her.
It's probably nothing, she must just give me heartburn..

I soon arrived at the school, walking up to Hagrid's hut to let him know I'm out of the forest.

I knocked on the door three times and it opened quickly, "Ello (Y/N) I see yer out of der forest" he said in his humorous accent, I like Hagrid he seems to accept me as I am!
"Indeed I am Hagrid, tho everywhere aches, I'll have to start shifting more often" I replied rubbing my sore back, honestly it's like I slept on rocks - oh wait I did.

"Ah well yer always welcome ter come down an' use der forest, no creatures in der would tink' of 'urting you haha" I nodded and walked with him to the great hall for breakfast.

Today was Saturday so I didn't have to worry about classes and can just rest in the common room.

Draco's POV

I was really starting to worry about (Y/N), she hadn't come back after she ran into the forest.

'Oh no Dumblebore must have told me not to go after her so some viscous beast would eat her!!' Woah relax Draco she's strong and would come back to, how could she resist?

"You alright mate" Zabini asked in concern, but I ignored him and kept my focus on the doors, "*sigh* I'm sure she's fine mate, look the professors are all here so if she was in danger, I'm sure at least one of them would be gone even if she is a Riddle" to be honest he did make a good point.

"Dracy you shouldn't stress, it will leave stress marks on your perfect face" Parkinson shrieked in my ear, and caressing my cheek, ew!

"Parkinson, please refrain yourself from touching my face or it won't be perfect anymore" I snapped at her, when I saw her sad face I smirked.

Suddenly the doors bursted open and in walked.....

'Hagrid!? Where's (Y/N)!!!!!'

I was about to get up and demand to know where she is until he beckoned someone who was behind the door.

"Come on Riddle, yer don't wanna keep yer friends waiting!" Wait Riddle!?

My smirk grew when she walked in, well sort of, she was limping!

I would rush to help her but the whole school is looking and that would effect my perfect reputation.

She came down to our table and sat in front of me and next to Zabini.

"Everyone continue" Dumblebore shouted causing everyone to turn back to their own tables and conversations, nosy gits.

'Right, time I got some answers'


Ah finally some food, I sat in front of Malfoy, his steel eyes boring into my soul, what is his problem?

I tried to ignore his stare but I just got to ask, "What!?" He kept starting at me but opened his mouth, probably to say something sarcastic.

"Where were you last night, you never came back?" He smirked like usual but his eyes weren't hard and cold, they were full of worry and concern.

"Dying" I replied not looking up from my food, "No you weren't!" He stated in a commanding way that made some people on the Slytherin table turn heads.

"Your right, I wasn't, but it bloody felt like it...." I trailed off hoping he would drop it, but nope....

"What did?" I curse your curiosity Malfoy!

"Nothing" I said sternly to try and give him the message that I don't want to talk about it.

"Tell me" he demanded, I could feel my anger bubble- uh oh.

"Malfoy.Drop.It" I was trying to keep my eyes from turning red.
"No not until you tell me!" He hit his fist on to the table.

That's it's, I stood up quickly, suddenly regretting it because of my sore back!

"YOU DON'T DESERVE TO KNOW!" I shouted in his face, my voice got almost demonic if I hadn't of held it back. He looked shocked to the fact that I shouted at him.

I started to storm out of the room, "(Y/N) wait!!" He shouted after me.

"Oh save me from the stubbornness of Malfoys" (if you get the reference I love you 🖤)

-Small Time skip brought to you by Norbert 🐉-

"Ahhh" I screamed in my room, punching the wall I left a huge dent and now my hand was throbbing

 I fell onto my bed face first, unsure of what to do now, I'm gonna have to fix the hole because I'm sure that's not going to be the only one created by me

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I fell onto my bed face first, unsure of what to do now, I'm gonna have to fix the hole because I'm sure that's not going to be the only one created by me...

After a while there was a knock at my door, "Go away!" I shouted although it was muffled because my head was buried in pillows.

"Come on Riddle, open the door"shit it was Malfoy and he had just said the password.

The door opened and he peered round. I couldn't be bothered to get up and look at him right now.

"Look (Y/N), I didn't mean to upset you," he took a seat on my bed, "and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I sit up so I could see him, his grey eyes held sorrow and regret, it almost made be feel bad, almost, but he did almost make me loose it in front of the entire school.

"(Y/N), I'm s-" he cleared his throat, smirking I knew what word he was struggling too say, "I'm s-sorry" wincing when he said the word, it must have been hard for him considering he's never really sorry for anything.

I gave him a sideways hug, resting my head on his shoulder, "and I forgive you..." he hesitantly put his head on mine...

Draco Malfoy.......

What have you done to me?

A/N: Aww, another chapter out, I'll try and update later today if I can,
I really enjoyed writing this scene, finally some quality time with Draco!

I love all my readers, you give me motivation to continue writing!
I've decided I'm going to leave a question at the end of each chapter for you all and you can decide whether to answer! I don't mind 😁

Until next time 👋

~Verkira 🖤

Question: Who is your favourite DADA professor?

I like Lupin 🐺

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