Bound and Bleeding

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It was dark where Lucy lay, she felt wet sticky liquid covering her elbows and parts of her head. Blood, she knew because she could taste it in her mouth, she wanted to spit the taste out but found her mouth gagged. She laid there for a moment processing what had happened and letting her eyes adjust, she felt sore all over. After a few dazed minutes of laying there she began to use her inner ear to listen to her surrounding, there was a faint supernatural buzzing surrounding her but nothing she could distinguish. As for the worldly sounds all was quiet. Slowly and painfully she got into a sitting position, her hands were tied together behind her back with something plastic and tight, her feet bound by something similar.

Attempts to free herself only lead to the binds cutting up her wrists and ankles. Lucy began to cry, she didn't like crying because it made her feel weak but she couldn't help it, tears streamed down her face, making the scratches on her cheeks sting and her head pound like a drum. She never thought once in her life that she'd ever be kidnapped, stabbed by a stray rapier, maybe, ghost touched, sure, but kidnapped! How did this happen to her, how did she let herself get into this situation? Why hadn't she just cried to Scotland Yard that she felt she was being stalked, but of course they wouldn't do anything, especially since she worked for Lockwood.

Lockwood, Lucy thought, Lockwood would save her, he always did and he always would. George and Lockwood were her farfetched clumsy heroes who always came to her rescue just like she always came to theirs. Soon enough she'd be back at home, sipping tea with her two favorite boys, but for now she was helplessly sobbing into the darkness wishing to god that she at least had some light.

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