The Stench of Death

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It was almost too late for Lucy. Starved, beaten daily, and bleeding almost constantly from one cut or the other, she had given up. Over the past few days she had tried many times to escape but her binds kept her captive and she never got far, so she now laid there unmoving for hours on end in that damned place, her body was icy numb yet on fire at the same time, the pain was immense and yet she wouldn't cry, she couldn't cry for her eyes were dry as paper, she felt like paper. Thin and weak, trembling at the slightest bit of force.

Her stomach was eating itself and she felt flies crawling into her exposed wounds agitating them to the point of infection, she wondered how much longer it would take for her to die. It was clear her captors no longer needed her, they stopped trying to sell her, she figured it was due to her state of health.

Some nights she wondered if Flo had gotten her key and necklace and went to George and Lockwood, she wondered if they were looking for her or if they had forgotten about her, she wondered many things as she laid there wasting away. The thing she wondered most however was if she could survive just one more night, just one more kick, just one more missed meal, or would this be the day she dies.


"Not today!" George pounded his fist against Lockwood's door the next morning. "This won't be the day you give up! Especially not on Lucy, she is out there right now, waiting for us to save her! She needs our help so get yourself out of bed now!" He pounded once more against Lockwood's door in outrage. Lockwood opened his door and shouted in George's face.

"Lucy is dead!" Lockwood sobbed openly in front of George, something George had never once seen. "She's gone, I know it. We're too late, she's gone. She's gone...dead." Lockwood's head was bowed as he continued to weep. "What's the point of living when all you know has been taken from you, what's the point without her." George slapped Lockwood's head.

"How can you say that. She is alive and she is within our grasp. Get a hold of yourself! It's time to save Lucy, I talked to Flo, I know where she is so pulls yourself together! It's time to save our Lucy and get revenge on the man who took her." Lockwood sniffled and turned from George, using his pajama sleeves he wiped away his tears, his breathing was shaky, so was the rest of him.

"Know this George, if Lucy is gone, I'm shutting down the agency."

"I understand, now please get dressed and get ready to fight. I have to make a call, then we eat a quick breakfast then off to get Lucy back." Lockwood nodded in agreement. He took a quick shower to wake himself up. He stood in front of the mirror and gazed down at the necklace in his hand, it was hard for him to believe that Lucy was still alive when all signs pointed to her being dead.

After the death of his beloved sister, and the countless other deaths of fellow agents he had witnessed he was use to just accepting the fact that they were gone, but the thought of Lucy being dead weighed heavy on his soul. He couldn't move on if Lucy was dead, she was far too dear to him for him to simply move on, it had been this way with his sister too.

It took him years and years to just get over the depression of it all, but he was still hollow afterward, the love he had felt for his sister had vanished because his sister had vanished, sometimes late at night he would sit in her room by the door and stare at her death glow, he even talked to her sometimes but he never got a response. He would talk about things he and his sister had done in the past, about how he missed everything she did for him.

How she tucked him in at night, how she would let him cuddle up in bed with her when he was sad or scared, the taste of her perfect raspberry lemonade. He would tell her about the things he was up to and the things he planned, and then, he would cry. He'd cry and cry, and sometimes he'd get up and try to crawl into her bed but he would always stop himself, he did this almost every week, but then George came along.

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