An Unexpected Visitor

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Flo Bones munched on a cookie, she looked over at the boys, set the plate of cookies aside and hopped over to them.

"Locky! We've businesses to discuss." She fished around in the pocket of her puffer jacket.

"How did you get into our house!" Lockwood shouted. "Someone could have seen you." Flo rolled her eyes.

"I'm tryin' to tell ya." She produced a small key and a necklace from her pocket, Lockwood's heart dropped as he snatched the necklace out of Flo's hand.

"This is the necklace I gave Lucy," Lockwood said as he delicately untangled the chain.

"And that's Lucy's key!" George yelled as he took it from Flo. Lockwood was angry now, his usually calm face twitched with rage, he ripped his rapier out of his work belt, Lockwood's blade stopped a mere centimeter away from Flo's face, yet she didn't seem phased by it, in fact, she reached over to the counter and grabbed another cookie.

"You have some explaining to do. Where did you find this!" Lockwood held the necklace in front of Flo, he spoke with a cold rage that burned deep inside of him.

"From Carlyle herself. If you put away your weapon and listen to me I can explain." Slowly Lockwood put away his rapier and sat at his chair, George did the same, Flo tried to sit in Lucy's chair but was immediately scolded.

"There's been a new trend in the black market, kidnap and sell Talented kids, first it was just Nightwatch kids and them Sensitive kids that don't fight. People buy 'em to use them to find good relics and Sources. Lucy though is the start of a new trend, I was at the bidding. Carlyle was there, looked really bad, she's been really beaten up Locky. The people who tried to sell her, I know 'em." Lockwood and George listened in dismay, both leaning closer and closer with each word.

"Calls himself Mr. Wright, though-"

"What! What did you say!" George shouted as Lockwood's jaw dropped.

"Gee, what's your damage?"

"What's my damage? What is my damage! We worked for Mr. Wright! Lucy knew there was something wrong with him why didn't we see it!" George's pudgy face was red with rage and disbelief as he continued to hollower at Flo.

"Hold it tubby. I don't think ya understand. He's not the person you think he is, this guy is Fergus Wright and his Lil' kid, Alfie, don't know much about their history. Bad people they are, nasty too. Tried to sell your girl at such a high price nobody would buy so they kept her till someone is willing to buy her, as she was dragged, and I mean dragged across the floor kickin' and fightin', she tossed me her key and necklace, I only assumed she wanted me to come here. They're aiming to sell to the Winkmans."

"Oh that's lovely, Lucy's going to be dead by next week." Lockwood sighed. "Thank you for the information Flo, keep us posted. I'll get you some licorice as soon as I can, I know it's dangerous for you to be seen anywhere near an agent."

"Thanks, wish I could tell ya more." She grabbed her burlap sack that had been sitting near the fridge and left. Lockwood stared down at the necklace in his palm, it had become covered in muck and what seemed to be blood, it reminded him of Annie Ward's locket. Lucy looked beautiful that day as they were getting ready to go to the fancy gathering with all the most important adults, Lockwood remembered how she fussed over every detail and how very long she spent searching for just the right dress, he also remembered that she wore that necklace every single day since he put it around her neck. Lockwood clutched the necklace tight in his hand and held it close to his heart. He would find Lucy no matter what, he wouldn't rest until Lucy was back at home, safe with him and George.

"Are you coming to the Archives with me?" George asked after a moment of silence, there seemed to be an overwhelming amount of silence in the past few days.

"No point in going to Barnes again is there. I'll call a cab."

Hours passed uneventfully as they searched through old papers.

"Look what I found," George whispered across the table to Lockwood who was half asleep already. George passed a legal document over to Lockwood who rubbed his eyes and studied it with blurry vision.

"What's it say, George?"

"The short of it is that Fergus Wright and his son were arrested a few times for stalking and being suspected of dealing in the black market, but get this, he isn't blood-related to the Mr. Wright we know, he was a servant of the Wright family for a good portion of his life but was 'let go' after he was suspected of murdering the late, Abigail Wright, wife of Carson Wright, mother of Hugh Wright which is who now owns all of the Wright's properties and money."

"That's a lot of names." Lockwood muttered.

"Yes but now we know a connection to who this kidnapper is." Lockwood nodded, George and Lockwood rose from the table and made their way out of the Archives, they agreed to question Mr. Wright about the death of his mother and his old servant. Lockwood and George both felt uneasy as they stepped out from their cab and made their way to the home of Hugh Wright, this was a place of disaster for them, Lockwood's cut began to throb once again, he put his hand over the little bandage.

"Not you again. Come to accuse me of taking your coworker have you?"

"I apologize for my behavior last time we had encountered, but with your permission, we'd like to ask you a few questions pertaining to the disappearance of Lucy." Lockwood gave him the best smile he could muster up.

"We promise to be civil this time," George remarked.

"Fine, if you must." He let them in and led them to a sitting room.

"What is it you want?" The man, though young, had a demining look about him, he was tall and well built, with abnormal features. Large hairy eyebrows, small sharp eyes, a large nose, and large cracked lips.

"We have come to get some information about the man who kidnapped Lucy, he happens to be an old servant of yours, Fergus. We found some criminal records and we found that he's been using your last name for his business in the black market." The man stiffened.

"Do not speak that name here." His voice was steely and cold, it was clear he was not fond of Fergus.

"I'm sorry to upset you sir but can we ask you a few questions about that man? We'd like to know his history, things like when he became a servant of your family when he was let go, what he was like when he worked for you." Lockwood said as George pulled out a small notepad and pen.

"From what I was told he became a servant for the family at a young age and lived in some portion of the basement, he worked here until he was 'let go' as you say when I was a little older than seven, around the time his son was born. He killed my mother and got away with it. That man is the root of all my problems and I do not wish to say any more about that fowl man!" Hugh stuck his nose up like an over privileged dog.

"If you wish to know more why don't you talk to my father, Carson Wright. He is currently living under the care of his sister." He reached over and snatched the notepad from George and scribbled out an address. "I do hope you find your coworker, I'm sorry that I haven't said much but like I said I was young if anyone would remember anything about him it would be my father, though he is a fragile man, to say the least, try to be gentle with him."

His face softened a little. "There was always something off with him Mr. Lockwood, don't take him lightly, if he's got your friend you might not see her again, he has a problem when it comes to young women." Lockwood frowned.

"You don't think he'll kill her do you?"

"I think he already has."

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