1. Broken

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Annie's pov.
October 6th 2015
Age: 10
I wiped a tear from my eye and pulled the covers to my chin. My eyes fought the urge to look at the time, but somehow someway my eyes drifted over to the purple alarm clock on the nightstand next to my bed. In neon blue lights 2:16 am blinked every 2 seconds. I knew I wouldn't be sleeping for awhile...I was heartbroken it's been 5 days since my brother,Caleb, left us. I knew my depression would get worse... it already has. Caleb was the one that would help me through these things. When David passed: he slept in my room for a week. When our cat lynx passed: he gave me a picture of him to remember him bye. But not this time. I don't want anyone to sleep in my room for a week, I don't even want a picture. I want my brother. I need someone, I'm all alone, I'm worthless, nobody cares abou- I hear my phone ring on my side table. I let out a sigh, sit up, put on my glasses and check to see who it is. Katie.
I answer with tired "Hello?"
I here a sweet voice on the other line," hey Anns. I couldn't sleep, hope I didn't wake you."
" no, no. I couldn't sleep myself... to much on my mind." I assured her.
" you wanna talk?"
" ya, I could use someone to talk to right about now." And we did, we talk for hours on end. About life, death. Then it drifted onto other things like marriage,kids, and college. We both agreed that those three things were terrifying but we both also talked about love that it was more on the delightful side than "terrifying".
I looked over to my alarm clock and it blinked 4:46am.
" hey, Kate, look at the time." I let out a small giggle and bit my lip awaiting an answer.
" ugh I should probably get some sleep" I heard her muffled, sleep deprived laugh across the line. For a few seconds it was silent but somehow I could feel her smiling across the phone.
"Goodnight, Katie" I nearly whispered and broke the silence.
" sweet dreams, Annie" I looked  down at my phone and hung up. I felt something. Something I haven't quit felt before. It was fuzzy and warm and made me want to jump up and down but at the same time sink into my bed. I felt amazing, the best I've felt in 6 days. I loved her.

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