4. Secrets revealed

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Annie pov.
July 31, 2018
Ages: Annie- 13 Katie- 14
Ding! Ding!
"Ughhh" I wiped my eyes and grabbed my phone from the side table.
"Not today! No!" I sat up knowing that when today is over Katie will know.
"What is it Annie?!?"I heard a small voice from my doorway.
"Oh uh nothing I just stubbed my...toe!"i shot back.
"Ok?"i shot back a cheesy smile until she left. Then it completely left my face.
"Ok how am I gonna do this?" I whispered to myself. I texted Katie.
Annie: hey wanna come over tonight, kinda gotta talk to you about something...
Katie: yeah I need to talk also...
I wondered for the next 4 hours what she needed to talks about. I paced my floors and then heard my doorbell ring...I started sweating like a pig I looked ridiculous. I heard footsteps come up to my room, and my door flung open.i whipped around shock then placed my hand on my chest and said
" oh my god you scared me"
she laughed and asked," so you needed to talk?"
"Oh, um yeah"she looked at me confused. "Um the thing is um..." I looked at the ceiling hink of a way to do this."um..." i looked at her nervously.
"It's ok you can talk to me."
" well there's this thing I've been meaning to tell you but..."
"But what?"
" I can't." I said because I literally couldn't get the words out of my mouth.
" ok...I l-" right then and there Katie kissed me strait on the lips.

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