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annies pov.

january 23, 2018

ages: annie: 13 katie: 13

i flung my window open to a cool breeze that wiped my hair back. i climed out of my window into the cold night. i glanced at my phone. 1:47am. hayley was fast asleep. mom and dad were passed out in there bed. but i wasnt. i tiptoed down the steps that led up to my porch. ill only be gone a few hours, i said to myself. next thing i know im sitting on the bus nervous as hell." dont worry its just a party" i whisper to myself. i decide to call katie. i dialed her number into my phone and hit call " katie?" i asked awaiting an answer.

  "yeah anns"  i heard the whirling of the winds on the other side, which was quit releaving knowing she didnt bail out.

"oh thank god you didnt bail out on me" " so you at the next bus stop?" i asked.

" yeah no worrys" her voice always calmed me when i was nervous." ill ysee you in a few ok?"

" k, bye kate"

"bye anns"

i hung up and looked out the window and could meerly see the shadow of her sitting on the bench of the next bus stop. i waved at her with a smile and she waved back. soon enough we were at the bus stop and katie stepped abourd and gave the bus driver some money. she scrambled over to me looking exited as ever.

" katie arent you even the slightest bit nevous?!?" i asked suprised.

" of course but arent you the slightest bit exited?!?!" she replied. the thing i love most about katie is the she always looks on the positive side of thing " i mean its our first time sneaking out, going to a party!"

" yeah that is pretty cool" i smiled at her and she smiled back.
The bus came to a stoped and we got out without saying a word. I could tell she was nervous, I always could. But she wouldn't admit it. About an hour later we were dancing without a care in the world in some popular girls living room; something I would never thought I'd do at 3 am or well at all. I looked on my phone while Katie used he bathroom and I saw 6 missed calls from Hayley.
"Fuck" I literally said out loud, but nobody could hear me over the noise. I ran outside and sat by the pool and called her.
"ANNIE WHERE ARE YOU?!?" She "whisper yelled.
"Chill Hayley...I'm just with some friends... you didn't wake up mom and dad did you?!?!? Please tell me you didn't?!?" I practically screamed.
"Your fine... I didn't tell but be home by 4:30am I'll cover for you."
"Thank you hay" "I owe you"
"Ya you do" then she hung up on me. Pleasant Hayley.
" so you uh parents find out" I hear a familiar voice come from a few feet away which is definitely a voice I did NOT want to hear.brennan.
" no just Hayley" I replied quickly trying to avoid him.
" so um I've been meaning to ask you something" fuck.
" ya" this won't end well
" do you ya know wanna go out sometime?" I looked over to him.
"Like a date?"
" ya I guess kinda"
"Sorry but um I'm already dating someone else" I just lied to my crushes brother. What the hell am I doing.
" oh ok understandable"
" no hard feelings" he walked over and sat on the couch with 3 other mindless jocks probably telling them everything.

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