2. Stary night

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Annie's pov.
July 31 2017
Ages: Katie-13 Annie-12
Me and Katie have just gotten closer we have talked on the phone like that at least 5 days a week. I know I love her. I haven't told her, I keep telling myself it's a phase but I'm just lying to myself... it's been 2 years since that one special phone call when I realized my feelings for her. They haven't faded since. In fact they keep getting bigger and bigger. I can't control them.
I looked through my closet for a bathing suit to go swimming in. All the flipping katie kids will be there and ya know it's kinda hard when you want to impress Katie and not catch brennens attention. I giggled at how pathetic I am. I closed my eyes as tight as I could and grabbed a random swim suit. I picked a black strapped one that was in fact one of my favs.

 I picked a black strapped one that was in fact one of my favs

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I slipped it on and put on some tanning lotion. I looked at some old tee shirts, I took out one from dance that simply said c&c dance studio. I put that over my swim suit because I'm quit self conscious. I looked myself in the mirror. Inhaled and exhaled.i walked out I plowed down strait on my bed. I scrolled through Instagram and saw a picture of Katie, me and Hayley taken almost a year ago with the caption: "#tbt to Woodward I love that place but not as much as I love them ❤️❤️❤️" I smiled at the caption and threw my phone on the bed as I heard someone ring our doorbell. I ran to the door and screamed " ILL GET IT!!" I flung the door open and hugged Katie.
"Well?!? What are we waiting for let's go!!!"she screamed and we jumped over my couch bursts out the doer into the pitch darkness aka 8:30 in Maryland. Katie stopped in her tracks. I turned around concerned.
" what is it Kate?" She just pointed to the sky. I slowly turned my head and my eyes adjusted to a beautiful sky packed with nothing but stars. My face was filled with amazement at the sight you would definitely never find in Maryland.

Secret love {a bratayley flipping katie fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now