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Annie's pov.
Same date and ages
It went from all of us packed in a small hot tub to just me and Katie.
" it's beautiful" I looked over to her but her eyes were glued on the sky.
" it is" she whispered. I scooted closer to her. We barely spoke for the next 2 hours we were there. Not in a bad way. It was really quit nice. Peaceful. It was like a perfect moment. Well a moment lasting 2 hours.even better.
Once we got out it was around 11. We showered got dressed and we all decided to play truth or dare in my room.

"Dare!" I replied to Hayley. She sarcastically stroked her chin thinking of what to dare me.
"I dare you to... KISS BRENNAN!!!"
" WHAT NO WAY!!!" I practically screamed. I saw Brennan's face go bright red.
"Well since it's a dare..." Brennan said.
" not gonna happen" I looked him strait in the eye.
"Annie what's wrong your always up for dares? Even the crazy ones! Remember that times you walked across the frozen lake then fell in?!?" Hayley said giggling.
" very funny." " I'm not up for it ok"
"Truth then"
"Switch it out for truth"
" ok truth"
" ummmm do you like anyone???"
"Yes ofc"
"Who is it?!?"
" hey you already asked a question for truth"
"Ughhh fine"
We moved on with the game but I couldn't stop thinking about that dare. Is that how I would end up living my life?!? Kissing people I didn't love? I needed to tell Katie. Soon.
After everyone was asleep I slipped a note to my future self under my matress that read: tell Katie, it's time. I also set a date on my calendar on my phone so I wouldn't forget. A year from now Katie will know.

Secret love {a bratayley flipping katie fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now