5. Its ok

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I pulled away out of shock.
"I'm sorry" Katie said.
" just just forget I ever did that please" I wanted to respond to her but I was in shock.
" I think I should leave" she got up and walked to the door.
"WAIT" I nearly screamed. Katie slowly turned around nearly in tears.
"Oh you needed to tell me something sorry I" she wiped her tears.
" you already said everything Katie" I smiled stood up and hugged her.
We hugged for a good 2 minutes. Until she broke the silence.
"I can't tell my mom" she whispered about to cry.
"Me either but we'll find a way"
2 hours later
Katie had left about half an hour ago and I needed to tell my mom or dad. But... I couldn't. I paced my room contemplating my options.
What if I tell Hayley? She's the one person in my family I trust! Would she understand?  I finally decided I was going to do it. I glanced at my doorway, And slowly made my way to her room. The floorboards creaked beneath my feet as I walked across them. I've made it to her door. I knocked, secretly hoping she wouldn't answer. The door creaked open.
"Yes, Annie?" She nearly whispered.
"Can we...talk?"I answered nervously. She let me into her room. I sat uncomfortably on her bed.
" umm... Hayley... I-i like Katie..." I peeped out then squinted at the realization of what I just said. Then I felt her small arms wrap around me. I hear her small voice let out the words I have needed to hear for the longest time...
" it's ok"

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